part 61

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once i woke back up dejuane was still there, as he should be in then he looked at me and kissed me and ofc i kissed back then i realized we go back in 3 days so i decided to get up and make sure my clothes were at least somewhat decent then i lay back down and force dejuane to come back to his spot then we talk about a bunch of random stuff and after a while i check the time and it's 7:30pm

Y: we've been in here damn near all day
Dejuane: ok??
Y: isn't that a little rude
Dejuane: just hold on i'll go see if they're even out of their room
Y: ok

dejuane walks to the door and goes out then 2 minutes later he comes back in

Dejuane: they're gone
Y: well then looks like we're good
Dejuane: yup

dejuane comes back to the bed but he lays next to me instead

Y: what are you doing
Dejuane: laying down
Y: no come back
Dejuane: why don't you just come over here

i huff then roll over because i'm not about to get up, so i roll until i hit dejuanes leg then i sit up and sit on his lap then i bend over so that my head is on his chest and he rubs my back while get on my phone and he watches A Haunted House, he was laughing so my head was moving a lot but i didn't care then as i'm scrolling thru insta i see lemongrab is live so i show dejuane then after he looked away i joined and he still had some bruises

Ashtons live
random: what happened
Ashton: some random fought me because his girl was flirting with me while i was telling her to leave me alone
y/ bruh it was a month ago get over it and don't lie sweetie because you were flirting with me over and over and i asked you multiple times to leave me alone
Ashton: why are you in my live
y/ because your lemongrab looking ass is lying
Ashton: lemongrab really do i look like a lemon, did my mom really name me lemongrab no she named me ashton
y/ i'm not about to argue with you because if these fan behavior ass niggas believe you they just as dumb as you so bye

i get out of his live and i continue scrolling through instagram then snapchat and i took a picture of me and dejuane then posted it on my story then i got up and went to the kitchen and got me a cup of hawaiian punch then walked back to the room

Dejuane: where's mine
Y: i didn't bring you any
Dejuane: wow fake
Y: anyways just share with me idiot
Dejuane: fine

i give it to dejuane then we continue watching movies and talking then i remembered i forgot to call mike back but i decided to just call them later because right now was an amazing vibe but i started to get cold so dejuane put the blanket over us and once again i fell straight to sleep

yea 😁 short chapter it'll be longer next chapter 💆🏾‍♀️

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