part 29

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i woke up and saw i had a few notifications but i didn't bother to check yet i gave kairi a kiss on then head then went in the shower once i got out and got dressed i put my hair in a messy bun then woke kairi up once he showered and everything he went home and came back with some clothes and he put them in my dresser with my clothes because lets be real i'm gonna have kairi over a lot, after that we walk downstairs and i make everyone breakfast even Davine because she seems cool, while everyone is eating i finally check my notifications and i open instagram then i see funnymike responded

F: i'd love to have you come over
Y: bro don't play ong??
F: i'm serious
Y: bet when am i coming
F: um can you come next week around 7:00pm
Y: yea that's good
F: alright see you then here's the address **********
Y: aight
*end of messages*

i say getting up and dancing like crazy
Kai: why you dancing
i give kairi my phone while everyone circles around him while i'm still dancing then kairi joins me and now me and him are dancing while the group looks at us he turned on blame on me and we continued to dance until the end of the song
Y: i'm about to ask if how many people can i bring
De: what if he says only one
Y: oh that's easy then i'm bringing kairi
De: why not me your boyfriend??
Y: because me and kairi been big fans of his for a while and you'll have Davine to keep you company
De: damn
Y: you'll be fine i still love you
De: mmhm

Y: hold on how many people can i bring
F: how many friends you got
Y: about 15
F: oh nah you can bring 2
Y: aight thank you
F: np i would say more but i got these bad ass kids
Y: i know but aight
F: aight
*end of messages*

Y: he said i can bring two people
De: so you can bring me??
Y: ummm well i was gonna bring kairi and alvaro
De: you've got to be kidding me
Y: well it depends how long is davine staying
De: a week and a half
Y: well then yea i'm serious you can't come
De: wow
Y: yes very much wow, ok kairi and alvaro come on so we can discuss this
me, kairi, and alvaro head upstairs and we all sit down on me and dejuane bed and talk
Y: ok so are you guys ready
Kai: hell yeah this is gonna be fun af
A: who is he
Y: ....... does mattia know who funnymike is
A: idk
Y: one sec
i go out then room and lean over the railing on the stairs
i go back in the room and sit back down
Y: alright alvaro get out
A: wait why
Y: you've been replaced with mattia
A: and why's that
Y: because he knows who he is and you don't
A: wow
Y: yes indeed wow
then alvaro got up and left out as mattia came in
Y: alright now mattia are you excited
M: hell yeah
Kai: bruh this weekend is gonna be amazing
Y: fr and we might even get to stay the night over there
M: this is going to be one hell of a weekend
Y: ong
we all sat in a row at the top of the bed watching his youtube channel and eating snacks then we lay down under the cover i'm in the middle on the right of me closet to the door is kairi and on the left of me closet to the window is mattia i fell asleep and they later went to sleep after me until we heard something break downstairs so we run down there
M: wtf was that!!
we look over and see everyone dressed
Y: why y'all dressed
Ta: we went to a party while y'all were sleep
Kai: that must be why dejuane looks shit faced drunk
De: hrmbakshndbd
Y: omg
i go over to dejuane and get him up
Da: no he can stay with us
Y: if you got a problem please get the fuck out and stop acting like you care about him because if you did you wouldn't let him get this drunk, i'll brb mattia and kairi
i took dejuane upstairs and even tho i showered already i got in the shower with him because i didn't want him hurting himself once i got done cleaning him and doing his hair care routine because he couldn't do it himself i dried him off then put on his briefs and shorts and laid him down on the bed and gave him tylenol and some water then he grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him
Y: let go
De: no
Y: yess your breath smells like alcohol and your drunk
De: well can you brush my teeth
Y: omg
i get up and grab his tooth brush and get him back out the bed and floss and brush his teeth then i put him back in the bed and he pulls me back on top of him again but now he starts kissing me, i kiss back then i try and get back up but he pulls me back
Y: bro let me go now
De: no stay in here
Y: no i'm not tired anymore
De: but you went to sleep with kairi and mattia
Y: omg fine
i lay down with dejuane and later he falls asleep while i'm still awake just looking at the door once i know he's completely slumped i get out the bed and go downstairs
Y: he's finally sleep
i say plopping exhausted ash on the couch and putting my head back
R: he got more drunk then all of us
Y: yea i can tell and whoever he was mainly with shouldn't have let him get like that
i say looking at davine and giving her a death stare
Ay: how is he doing
Y: he's knocked out
Da: imma go check in him
Y: girl sit tf down somewhere
Rob: ong she can take care of her own man
Kai: exactly
she sat back down and stayed quiet until i spoke
Y: actually you can go home and just come back tomorrow
Da: but i was gonna spend the night
Y: well since you don't live here you can go home
A: fr tho because you shouldn't have let him get like that
Art: i'll walk you to the door
Artis gets up and walks Davine out the door and once she's out the house Kairi and everyone leaves so i give them all hugs as they walk out then cherry and artis goes to their rooms to sleep and ansley and andre goes to sleep then justin then tatyana and kobe, then mike and vallyk so now its just me and derek chilling until derek gets tired and goes to his room also so know it's me and my thoughts i really hate being alone because i over think everything so i go put on one of dejuanes hoodies and some shorts with my running shoes then i go outside and take a jog i run for about 30 minutes to an hour then i go home shower again brush my teeth then lay back down with a still knocked again dejuane

dejuane got crunked tf 😭

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