part 60

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me and king kept driving around and listening to music and he asked me to sing for him so i did then he applauded me then he took me to this race car thing where we can drive

Y: wait are you fr
King: yes
Y: you better not be playing
King: y/n i'm serious go

i run to a pink charger and they give me a helmet then i start the car and zoom off having the time of my life it was so much fun i was surprised his cheap ass actually took me once i was done he went then we went to some bar but i didn't drink i just talked to king then i decided to go live

Y/ns live:
Y: hey guys i haven't talked to y'all in a while so what's up
random: nun much
random: i'm bored
random: when are you going back to jersey
Y: um i go back in 4 days
random: i miss you and the group together
Y: yea i miss them too
King: what's up guys
random: omg they linked
random: she wins
random: lucky
Y: i don't win anything he's with nique and i'm easing my way back with dejuane and king cheap asf
King: she lying i took her race car driving
Y: and that's it, he still hasn't even fed me
King: eat air
Y: bitch
random: when he's broke 😍
random: feed her
random: where is dejuane
Y: i can't say because then it'll be a spoiler

i continue talking to them until we're about to leave then i end the live and we walk out the bar and go to walmart and i put shaving cream in my hand and hit king then he does the same then we go and buy onesies then we put them on in the store and we get a bunch of snacks then i tie my hair in a ponytail and we get these matching necklaces with a charm on them then we go back to the apartment and when we walk in they have on face masks and eating popcorn

Dejuane: well y'all looked like y'all had fun
Y: yes we did at the last part
King: y'all look like y'all had a pretty chill day
Nique: yea it wasn't bad
Y: what time is it now
Nique: 12:00am
Y: oh thank god

i push king out the way then i go and put my head on dejuanes lap and face the tv to watch the movie they had on

King: dang i got replaced just like that
Y: yea yea you did

as my head is in dejuanes lap he plays with my hair then he pulls the hair tie off

Y: why'd you do that
Dejuane: because i wanted to
Y: ok

he continued to mess with my hair and he even scratched my scalp which felt 100/10 and he kept doing it so after about 20 minutes i fell asleep then once i woke up i was in the room and dejuane was on top of me with his head on my stomach so i turned on the tv and started watching my hero academia while playing with his curls which i found hella satisfying, i ended up staying up longer than i meant and by the time i was about to go to sleep dejuane wakes up and tries to get up but i push him back down

Y: no stay still
Dejuane: i'm not tired anymore
Y: bro lay your ass back down for a second
Dejuane: i have a question first??
Y: what's up
Dejuane: can you take me back, i gave you a whole month to think
Y: idk
Dejuane: what if i told you i missed you
Y: ofc i would say i miss you back
Dejuane: then take me back
Y: fine dejuane yes i'll take you back
Dejuane: i love you
Y: you know i love you too

he lays back down and i fall asleep after about 10 minutes

don't be mad at me 🏃🏾‍♀️💨 i love you guys 👍🏾

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