part 123

503 15 15

we woke up with throbbing head aches and i felt like i needed to throw up so i hold my mouth and run upstairs and by the time i get to the bathroom everything just comes out then once i'm finished i sit on the floor wiping my mouth then i stand up and walk to my medicine cabinet grabbing tylenol and swallowing it with some water then i go back downstairs and see everyone awake standing around our busted oven

Angel: what the hell happened last night
Gabby: that's a good question
Y: um who's paying for that
Sharan: well since we don't know who fault it is we might as well all split the cost
Melissa: i just got a feeling it was y/n
Y: wait why
Melissa: because you seem like the type of person to do some dumb shit like that
Jale: true i could see you doing that
Y: um fuck you hoes
Sharan: chile we don't go that way
Y: ok bitch not you trying to be funny

we talked for a few minutes then we decided to just split the money for the repair so while we were still barely dressed we picked up the pieces that could hurt us if we stepped on them then we swept the floor and threw all the debris away then we went upstairs and into our rooms and showered and once i got out i got dressed then laid on my bed and turning on my tv while my eyes are slowly closing my phone goes off making me jump then i answer the call with out even looking

Luis: how's your hang over
Y: it's alright but it definitely sucks
Luis: figured but at least i'm guessing y'all had fun
Y: oh of course thank you for inviting us
Luis: anytime we're only young for so long why not live it up while we can
Y: exactly
Luis: anyways i'll see you tomorrow but just rest for
Y: of course i will goodbye
Luis: bye

3rd person pov:
while y/n was eating and just trying to get over her hanger over like the other girls across town the others were drinking their problems away after recently finding out lucianna was just using them for fame and once she got what she wanted she left town without even saying bye or anything it was just one moment she was there and the next moment she was gone but they took the kids back to dejuanes mom house and they were just drunk and talking then they decided to drive around until they found y/ns new house so they drove all the way across town until they found her car then they got out knocking on the door

y/n pov:
i heard knocking on the door so i pause my movie and i walk down all the stairs until i made it to the door then i saw it was everyone else so i rolled my eyes and was about to close the door but dejuane stuck his foot in the door stopping me

Y: can y'all leave me alone
Dejuane: we're sorry you were right
Y: ok well talk to me tomorrow when y'all aren't drunk
Kairi: y/n we're sorry please
Y: you weren't sorry when you replaced me you're only sorry that y'all figured out i was right not to like her
Larray: ok and now we miss you
Y: yea now
Dejuane: bruh come on
Y: no now get your foot out of my door so i can go back to my room
Dejuane: not until you forgive us
Y: dejuane i don't have time for this please leave
Dejuane: no

i just threw my hands up and i tried to walk off but he grabbed my arm

Y: dejuane let go
Dejuane: no listen to us
Y: i don't care about what y'all have to say
Mattia: y/n we've changed and it won't happen again
Y: i really don't care about your apologies i have new friends and i would love if y'all left and dejuane let go of my fucking arm

as i was arguing with them trying to get dejuane to let go the girls came down trying to get them to leave but they still wouldn't so we called the boys and they came

Luis: what's going on
Y: dejuane won't let go of my arm and they won't leave our house
Luis: bro leave them alone
Dejuane: or what
Luis: or were calling the cops you pick

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