part 79

639 17 13

(imma flood today since i haven't posted in 2 days)

3rd person pov:
once dejuane left the persons house it was around 3am and y/n and kobe were still in the hospital sleeping, this was one of the only nights where y/n didn't wake up out of nowhere but while they were sleep dejuane got a call while at home and once he answered his face dropped and he was just yelling "stop lying" and "i don't care" and a bunch of things until he hung up and threw the phone then he paced back and forth through the living room shaking his head in disbelief and throwing things around but back at the hospital kobe was wide awake looking at y/n then he took a picture of her sleeping and made it his lock screen then he laid back down on her chest and fell back to sleep..... now this time it was 7:30am the average time y/n would wake up and she got up and kobe was still sleep so this time she took a picture of him and made it her lock screen then she slowly moved from under him and went into the bathroom to shower once she was done she was done she put back on her under clothes and the gown then walked out back on the bed and saw kobe now fully awake so she gets in the bed and sits next to him

Y: good morning ugly
Kobe: good morning fatass
Y: bitch
Kobe: right back at you
Y: i'll kick you out this bed
Kobe: please do so i can rock your shit
Y: you won't rock nun if anything you'll be the one that loses
Kobe: yea whatever
Y: aight stand up
Kobe: bitch you got an IV in your arm
Y: pussy
Kobe: bet

me and kobe stood up but i was fine since the IV could go a long way so then once kobe got in front of me i playfully slapped him then he hit me and we kept play fighting and laughing until a nurse came in then we hurried up and laid back down like we didn't do anything

Nurse: looks like y'all are having fun
Y: haha sorry
Nurse: it's fine i can't tell you and your boyfriend what to do
Kobe: ew no that's my best friend
Y: bitch but anyways i would never date that thing over there
Nurse: oh my bad
Y: no it's completely fine
Nurse: alright well i just came in here to tell you that you can leave whenever you're ready
Y: oh ok thank you

the nurse comes and gently takes my IV out then she detached all the things from me and gave me some regular clothes that dejuane had brought along with the food, i didn't want the food since it was cold but i put on the clothes then got my stuff and thanked the doctors and nurses then we got in kobes car and went to get food and once we got food i wanted a pink drink so then we went to starbucks blasting music and once we were done we went to dejuanes mom house and as i walked in blessing and azlynn were playing with dolls and dj and kj were wrestling then blessing noticed me and dropped the doll and ran to me and once the others noticed they came also but kj went to kobe

Azlynn: i missed you
Y: ik but you still have to stay with grandma for one more day
Dj: but i wanna go home
Y: you can tomorrow i promise
Azlynn: why isn't daddy with you
Y: he was busy and me and uncle kobe were hanging out already
Kobe: totally
Blessing: daddy shut up
Y: thank you blessing
Kobe: wow i'm hurt
Azlynn: as you should be
Kobe: damn she's just like you y/n
Y: as she should be

we all start laughing then kobe takes blessing and kj and starts playing with them which made me happy because he's really been getting into their lives more and we also got their last names changed back to Morris but i'm still their legal mother and we had it changed to where kobe is once again their legal father so basically we technically have kids together which is fine it's not really weird but while he did that i talked to azlynn and dj about what's been happening and how if they stayed with grandma for one more day that i would take them and everyone else to a movie but they had to behave and once blessing and kj heard me they started jumping up and down and azlynn and dj started doing the same thing and clapping but once me and kobe got them to calm down we hugged and kissed them all then we got in the car and drove to the house and as we walked in the group was in the living room along with davine i looked at her and looked away then walked in the room along with kobe and we sat on the bed and started playing the game and eating chips and blasting music and talking and playing patty cake like children then he pulled out his go pro from my dresser and he set it up then got in front of it and pulled me next to him

Kobe: what's up guys with y'all ugly asses....nah i'm playing but how y'all doing today imma do the best friend tag with y/n and at the end whoever gets the most wrong has to get slapped with whipped cream alright so let's start with y/n
Y: alright kobe so what's my favorite color
Kobe: navy blue
Y: ok correct
Kobe: my turn, what's one thing that annoys me
Y: people flexing
Kobe: ok ok i see you
Y: alright who was my first kiss
Kobe: me
Y: alright your turn
Kobe: who was mine
Y: me dumbass
Kobe: alright now don't get cocky or i'll slap you for fun..nah i'm playing
Y: exactly

we started laughing then me and kobe continue asking each other questions until we ran out of ideas so i ended up slapping kobe because he lost but he cheated then slapped me anyway so we were just slapping each other with whipped cream and laughing then we did his outro and once we were finished i helped him edit his video then we watched it and it was around 20 minutes long so after that he made a thumbnail then he posted a countdown on instagram for his video then we went in the bathroom and cleaned our faces then put a face peel off mask on and walked out to the kitchen to get some strawberries and we walked to the couch with the group and everyone looked at me then whispered and looked away so i just shrugged it off and watched the movie and after 39 minutes we pulled the mask off and washed our faces then moisturized them and went back into the living room and everyone looked at me again and this time i couldn't just ignore it

Y: bro wtf is going on why do y'all keep looking at me like some pervs
Mike: we need to tell you something
Y: ok then jus say it but stop looking at me
Vallyk: you're not gonna like it
Artis: at all
Andre: and we mean at all
Cherry: ok we understand you're very curious but when we tell you do you promise not to lash out
Y: i promise
Justin: ok well hold on first

ansley got davine and put her behind her back then the group surrounded her in a circle shielding her for some reason

Y: omg what's wrong with y'all why are y'all acting like her damn bodyguards or something
Kobe: fr tho y'all are acting really weird
Y: fr and why is everyone but dejuane and davine speaking
Hailey: because this is harder for them right now
Y: um ok so what the fuck do y'all want to tell me
Andre: i've known dejuane the longest so i'll say it but before i do y/n just know dejuane loves you so much and he never means to hurt you intentionally and when we tell you this he thinks it's best for you to move on and be happy and just know that no matter what you do with your life that he'll always be there for you but y/n what happened is that dejuane...........

keep going 😌


now in the wise words of kobe...nah i'm playing 😭

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