part 131

505 20 4

3rd person pov:
after y/n had woken up and the kids were still sleep since they kept her up all night playing she got from under the cover and sat on the side of her bed with her face in her hands just overthinking then she got up putting on her slippers and she walked downstairs not even caring how she looked or what she had on then without paying attention to anyone she makes herself coffee then she goes and sits on the couch still half sleep and she was drifting from side to side about to fall back asleep until kairi yelled her name making her jump and then she looks at him and sips some of her coffee then y/n looks around with her eyes half closed and she sees the old group looking at her so she rolls her eyes and slowly gets up about to go back upstairs until the others yell at her to come and sit back down so she does but she looks at the tv the whole time

Kairi: y'all need to talk this out because i'm going to enjoy my vacation
Y: bruh i'm tired can we not do this right now
Kairi: no we're doing this RIGHT NOW
Y: bubs i love you but if you don't stop yelling i will slap the living shit out of you
Kairi: my bad but y'all need to talk
Y: they can start
Cherry: alright i'll start y/n we're truly sorry for replacing you and we would love to be friends again
Y: i'm good now can i go back to sleep
Artis: y/n we're trying to apologize
Y: and i don't care i'm really tired
Justin: this is bullshit you let dejuane back into your life faster then we thought at this point it's like you're begging for him to play you again you're so pathetic you easily forgive him and open your legs for him but when it's us we have to get on our knees and beg you this shit is so dumb and i would bet your kids were mistakes
Y: alright i forgive everyone but justin
Justin: wait why
Y: did you not hear what you just said you basically slut shamed me for letting dejuane back in my life and yea i might be quick to do but unlike some people justin i don't marry someone because i wanna look good in a wedding dress i did it because i loved and love him and not once did i ever say i was with him again if you had any bit of commonsense then you would've looked beside you and i saw he's obviously right next to davine which should be a big enough hint for you and saying "i easily open my legs for him" is bullshit and you know it i was with him for 4 years rather it was on and off or not i was still with him so if i feel like doing something with him then what does that have to do with you and one reason he's even here right now is because the kids are but when the kids go with dejuane or his mom i was planning on making him leave so stop speaking on situations you don't know about and my kids aren't "mistakes" i knew i wanted kid later in life and did i plan on having them as early as i did, no but shit happens and you have to go along with it so for you to even be in my presence and say that about my kids then you're lucky you are even still in my house and all i asked was that we talk about everything later because i'm practically raising a 3 year old and a 2 year old all by myself this shit gets hard but you won't ever see me saying i regret anything about having them so next time i tell ANY of you that i'm too tired to do something then respect that and don't make me do anything that i don't want to do at that moment

with that y/n went back upstairs with her coffee and sat on her bed nearly in tears and as soon as one trickled down her cheek the kids woke up and she had to quickly wipe it and give them a small smile then she picked them up getting them bathed and brushing their teeth and brushing their hair then once she got them dressed she put on their house shoes and she led them downstairs and she sat on the floor with them beyond tired watching them play with their toys then kairi comes behind her and let's her sit in between his legs so y/n leans back and as soon as her head touched his chest she was beyond sleep and when kairi looked at her he felt bad

Ansley: poor baby she's so tired
Cherry: i feel so bad for her
Kairi: is there no possible way that you could help her or is that too much to ask from the person that got her pregnant in the first place
Dejuane: i'm trying to be there for davine right now
Kairi: oh i'm sorry i forgot davine is the one that had two of your kids and put up with your shit for more than they should have my bad i'll remember next time
Davine: i'm having problems too but y'all don't care about that
Kairi: where's your kids davine
Davine: with my mom
Kairi: exactly you stubborn bitch y/n has her kids right here in the house with her and as you see they're playing indicating they have no idea what y/n is dealing with so she's hiding the drama she knows they won't be able to handle away from them while your kids are probably wondering when you're coming to get them maybe you'd be able to if you weren't disrespecting someone in their home and sleeping with their ex every time they ask you to and you have the nerve to ever talk shit about y/n which i find extremely funny but i guess since you believe you're such a good mom then you can do whatever you want huh and i don't blame y/n for being so tired since her baby daddy is a fucking dead beat that only sleeps with other girls when y/n makes him upset like a little bitch yes i finally said it dejuane you are a fucking bitch i find it funny that y/n even still wants you you're a disgrace of a man y/n could do SO fucking much better than you but for some reason she loves you and it kills me that every time she does forgive you, you always fuck up but that's all i'm going to say because if i continue talking i'll soon have said something about this WHOLE mother fucking house
Andre: but some of us didn't do anything
Kairi: i- let me stop before we sit here all day naming each and every one of y'all flaws and why y/n shouldn't forgive any of you
Ballo: why are you acting like you didn't do anything
Kairi: i admit i did some messed up shit to y/n like trying to replace her but once i realized what i was doing i came and apologized to her and ever since then no could say anything to y/n without me sticking up for her so before you even try and judge me you need to take a long look in the mirror because let's be honest y/n wouldn't even have forgave any of you if justin didn't say some dumbass shit like he did and we all know he only said it because he can't keep a relationship for 5 minutes because he's an ugly mother fucker
Manolo: so you're the cutest one in here
Kairi: i never said that but i know if i wanted someone i could get them
Smitty: so how come you still don't have y/n
Kairi: because she's my best friend and i'll always have her as that because in case you haven't noticed i'm always the first one she comes to when she has an issue and i'm the one she always cuddles with so please don't sit here and try to disrespect me because  if you wanna get disrespectful then do it because i have a few things i been meaning to say to all of you

no one says anything so kairi shrugs his shoulders then while y/n is still sleep he plays with her hair and watches the kids play then later they lay on y/n and go to sleep also so now kairi has 3 people laying on him so he turns on a movie and goes to sleep with them

hey i don't know who reads my story but as y'all know today is election day and just know every vote counts so go vote if you're old enough and vote blue 💙💙💙💙💙💙

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