part 49

750 21 9

(tryouts went good i guess but i'll find out tmr if i made the team)

once i wake up i push dejuanes fat ass head off me then i grab Azlynn off my chest and lay her down in her carriage since she was still sleep then i pulled out my laptop looking for online colleges or at least colleges near where we live and i decided to go to Centenary University and my first day was in a week, so i woke Azlynn up and got us cleaned and dressed then fed and after i took her to the mall with me so i could get some school outfits i get about 20 outfits

Azlynn: mama i'm sleepy again
Y: ok come on we can go

i grab Azlynn hand and we walk back to the car and drive home once we're back i put my new clothes with all the other ones but i got my clothes a size bigger......anyways after that i organized the room and taught Azlynn her abcs and some new words and colors then she went to sleep for the 3rd time in my room on the bed and i lay beside her playing the game and once i'm bored with that i go mess with mike and ansley but they're not there so i go to kobe's room and he's sleep then i go to cherry and artis and they're making couple tiktoks so i just go to andre room and sit on his bed while he loses terribly at a game then i laugh and he kicks me out so i just go back to my room and lay back down with Azlynn and rubbing my stomach......then i soon go to sleep

the next day when i wake up i look at my phone and see Lena and Preston parents texted me asking if they could come over for a play date so i agree then give them my address and then put my phone down and wake Azlynn up and bath and clothe her then i sit her on the living couch with dejuane while i go shower and get dressed and once i'm finished their parents knocked on the door so i answered and let them in

Lena: hi Azlynn
Azlynn: hey Lena and hi Preston
Preston: hey

they then went into Azlynns old room that i turned into a play room and started playing together then i brought them some snacks and about 2 hours later they leave and Azlynn is out like a light

they then went into Azlynns old room that i turned into a play room and started playing together then i brought them some snacks and about 2 hours later they leave and Azlynn is out like a light

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y/ just because i haven't posted in a while 🥰

liked by dejuane.mccoy and 1600000 others
derektrendz: girl gts
y/ no ^^
diegomatir: hi..
y/ y'all hear sum??^^
dejuane.mccoy: no because you can't hear a comment
y/n: ok smart ass
bartis: my sis 🥺
y/ where you at??
*load 150000 more comments*

after that i laid down with Azlynn just rubbing her back and singing to her then in comes fat head ass dejuane laying back in the same spot as yesterday and talking to me and ofc i responded because it's rude not to but as i was talking this nigga had the audacity to go to sleep so i rolled over and fell alseep asleep

next chapter will be longer 🍵 and y'all will see why i say context clues but anyways i'm hella tried so i'm goodnight cuties 😘

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