part 93

560 19 20

i really didn't feel like going to the event today but i knew i had to so i drag myself out of bed and from in between everyone went in the shower then i got and brushed my teeth and i didn't put on any makeup then i walk out and get my clothes and walk back into the bathroom then once i finish getting dressed i walk out the bathroom and dejuane is sitting up looking at me but i grab my wallet and out the door not even speaking, i don't know where i was going but i just started walking then i saw this little food place so i went in and sat down eating by myself then nique walks in by herself and sit down in front of me

Y: i know you don't like me and i don't like you but i really don't feel like arguing so please not right now
Nique: i didn't come to argue i came to apologize
Y: why??
Nique: because what i did was messed up and when you said no i should've known better than to do it anyways and i'm beyond sorry so please forgive me
Y: sure nique but if you don't mind can i vent to you real quick
Nique: sure what's up girlie

i tell nique everything that's been happening since the last time i hung out with her to last night

Nique: i'm so sorry girl
Y: it's just fine i just wish if anything he wouldn't have done it in front me like it didn't even matter that i heard him
Nique: do you want me to come back to the room with you??
Y: bruh please
Nique: come on

me and nique head back to the hotel room and we just catch each other up with our lives and we laugh together which made me feel so much better then we got in the room and everyone looked at us coming through the door

Kobe: did you not get our calls and texts
Y: i did
Kobe: why didn't you answer
Y: because i was ignoring you guys i thought that was pretty obvious
Nique: y/n you wanna go shopping after the event
Dejuane: you really brought her here
Y: omg yes i would love to go shopping i need some new belly piercing rings
Dejuane: so you're gonna ignore me
Y: and then we can go get something to eat or whatever
Dejuane: you really doing too much all because i'm moving on
Y: you really don't fucking get it do you
Dejuane: get what
Y: omg you really are dumb bruh you fucking cheated when we were married and 10 times before that then you asked the girl you cheated on me with to marry you RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME but you were so "in love" with me that it compelled you to cheat
Dejuane: i made mistakes get over it
Y: no i made the mistake of ever meeting you
Diego: y/n calm down you don't mean that

3rd person pov:
after that y/n walked out dejuane sat there with watery eyes and everyone tried to tell him that he didn't mean that but he didn't listen all he did was get up, put on a shirt, grab his keys and headed out the hotel room door then he got in his car with watery eyes and going over the speed limit while y/n was at a random park looking in the water watching her tears splash in it then after kobe calling 30 times she finally picked up

Kobe: we can't find dejuane
Y: ok??
Kobe: y/n he just left and he's not answering his phone
Y: maybe he put it on dnd why should i care
Kobe: somethings not right y/n please help
Y: omg here i come

3rd person pov:
y/n wiped her tears and she walked back to the hotel room with red eyes and everyone was freaking out over the fact that they couldn't find dejuane so they were talking about possible places he could be then they split up into groups and went to search for him y/n was with diego, jared, sora, devyn, lexi and davine we looked for an hour straight and i started to get worried then we went into this restaurant he liked and an unknown number called my phone and i picked and it was a policeman calling me telling me dejuane was confirmed dead and all i remember is getting on my knees and yelling "this can't be real"

hahahahahahhahahahaha 😈

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