part 106

605 15 16

once morning rolls around i don't really feel like dealing with everyone today or helping them move in so i just get up and shower then i put on some shorts and a baggy shirt and plop back in bed flipping through channels to find a show or movie to watch them derek comes in laying his head on my lap

Y: get out
Derek: why
Y: because i said so
Derek: wow you don't love me no more
Y: um chile i sure don't
Derek: i'm hurt

derek starts fake crying so i smack his head then he lays it back down and i start messing with his curls and continued watching my show and talking to derek occasionally then the other moments we sat in comfortable silence then after a while i say dereks name and he doesn't respond so i sit up and look at his face and he's sleep so i grab my phone and call larray then a few minutes later he walks upstairs

Larray: girl we in the same house why you ain't just yell my name!
Y: shhhhhh hes sleep and since i can't get up can you go buy me some food
Larray: girl he'll be fine get up and go get your own food
Y: i'll let you buy something
Larray: where you want me to get it from
Y: that's what i thought and jack in the box sounds good right now
Larray: aight and bitch don't try me
Y: chile um what y'all doing
Larray: helping everyone get settled in
Y: i forgot they were moving in today, oh and on your way back can you swing by dejuanes mom house and get the kids
Larray: bitch i ain't no uber
Y: please
Larray: damn it fine
Y: thank you i love you
Larray: fuck you
Y: you love me
Larray: chile i don't know who said i loved you but let me leave

larray leaves out and i shake derek awake because i want cuddles so he wraps around my waist and i fall asleep, a few hours roll around and i'm awaken by something hitting my face so i open my eyes and see azlynn and my food next to her so i eat then once i'm finished while dereks lazy ass is still sleep i sit up

Azlynn: i missed you mommy
Y: i miss you too baby
Azlynn: where's daddy
Y: he should be getting his room ready
Azlynn: uncle sora said he's with some lady
Y: oh that's daddy's girlfriend
Azlynn: but you and daddy are married
Y: not anymore honey
Azlynn: why do y'all break up you guys are so cute together and i want y'all to be together again!!!!
Y: azlynn i know that you love mommy and daddy together but sometimes things happen and mommy and daddy need to go and find other people that'll make them happy just like when malu made you happy and you wanted her to be your mommy it's because at that moment she was giving you the attention that i wasn't and it's the same thing going on now your daddy has things he needs to work on and once he does that and proves it then maybe i'll go back but if derek gives me better than mommy may end up with him and i'm sorry if that hurts you but i deserve to be happy ally
Azlynn: i'm sorry mommy it's just sometimes i miss you and daddy together
Y: sometimes i do too baby sometimes i miss what me and your daddy used to have but sometimes even though it hurts you have to let go of the past and move on baby
Azlynn: ok i understand
Y: thank you now where your siblings
Azlynn: dj is talking to uncle manolo and uncle smitty and blessing is with auntie devyn and kj is with uncle kobe
Y: oh ok do you want to stay in here with me
Azlynn: yes please but derek is in my spot
Y: hit him

azlynn does what i says and goes up to derek and slaps him

Derek: BI- oh hey azlynn
Y: if you would've called her a bitch i would've slapped ts out of you
Derek: my bad i thought it was one of the dumbasses in this house
Azlynn: your in my spot
Derek: this is my spot now
Azlynn: but she's my mommy i came out of her!!!
Derek: and i came in her but you don't see me bragging
Azlynn: huh??
Y: OMG nun sweetie he's just being normal old dumb derek

i pinch derek and he flinches and moves out the way and azlynn comes and lays on my chest and derek lays beside me hugging us both then we all go to sleep

Smitty pov:
we were talking to dj teaching him how to get girls and he was doing good then we went upstairs to show y/n but when we went in they were sleep with azlynn and we stood there looking then devyn then manolo then sora comes and soon the whole house is looking at them sleeping

Haihai: must be fucking nice
Josh: you have me
Haihai: but you don't give me cuddles bitch
Lexi: damn vallyk gives me cuddles
Vallyk: as i should
Nia: stop y'all making us single people feel bad
Tatyanah: fr like damn have some sympathy for us
Sora: how long we staying here
Smitty: i don't know but that's a good question
Dejuane: i'm going to sleep
Malu: here i come
Donn: imagine thinking we give a fuck
Dixie: donn so petty
Donn: as i should be

after a while everyone walks away but dj goes and lays down next to y/n and idk if it's like she could sense him or something but as soon as he laid on the bed she wrapped her arm around him while kj and blessing go and sleep with kobe after a while i go and walk to my room then i get on the game with the guys and while i'm on the game i hear malu and dejuane so i put on my headphone to drown their nasty asses out

back to y/n pov:
i wake up to the sound of malu and dejuane so i shake derek awake

Y: bro can you go tell them to shut up
Derek: i don't wanna see that
Y: bruh at this rate they gone wake everyone in the house up and unlike them others are trying to sleep
Derek: i'm good i love you tho
Y: bitch oh my bad i love you tho

i gently take azlynn off my chest and unravel my arm from dj then i push dereks head and i go downstairs to dejuane room and just bust in and when i do they hurry and get under the covers

Malu: get out
Y: girl trust me no one wants to see you naked when i came in i almost threw up but omg can y'all shut the fuck up we get it your fucking no one cares girl like damn people in this house are trying to sleep and the kids especially don't want to hear this shit so either go fuck in the car or shut up bitch it's not that good so please stop over exaggerating or if you tryna make him feel good about himself do it a little quieter because a bitch is tried and wanna be knocked out but niggas like y'all won't shut the fuck up like bitch i'm surprised you can feel anything with your ran through ass now if you don't mind i would like to go back to sleep with derek and my kids without hearing this bullshit from all the way upstairs damn bitch!!

then i go back upstairs and just lay on the bed because now i wasn't tired so while derek and the kids were sleep i turned off the led lights then watched a movie until i fell asleep around 3:00am

i didn't do anything i said i was 💀 and i have homework to do and a test that was due last week 😭

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