corey stayed sleep for hours until he woke up once the sun set and he sat up with y/n and he decided to go home so y/n asked kairi to watch the kids and he agreed so she went with corey to his house and once they got there they were sitting in the living room talking then corey walked off and was fine for nearly an hour so y/n got up and just walked to the jacuzzi room about to chill by herself but she saw corey in there with just shorts on and since she didn't have a bathing suit she just went in the jacuzzi with her bra and underwear
Y: i love how you just left me Corey: i thought you were about to go to sleep Y: you could've told me you were coming in here though instead of leaving me by myself Corey: aww did you miss me already Y: no Corey: aww you have separation issues from daddy Y: omg don't call yourself that weirdo Corey: i didn't even mean it like that perv Y: um that's my word Corey: how would i know Y: ask Corey: anyways come here babe Y: no Corey: well then stay over there Y: i will
y/n sat where she was for a while until she rolled her eyes then sat on coreys lap facing him as he said "thought so" and she laughed then he wrapped his arms behind her back and she put her arms around the back of his neck and they just looked at each other
Corey: i could get use to this view Y: i bet you could Corey: i really could and i will
y/n smiled then corey started kissing her as she kissed back and soon they were making out and corey moved one of his hands from her back to her neck and after a while he started giving her a bunch of hickeys as she threw her head back but before anything escalated coreys phone went off with a call from his mom so they pulled apart and he picked the phone up while y/n sat there listening and once she hung up he put his phone down and turned back to y/n
Corey: now where were we Y: nope now you'll have to wait Corey: oh i see how it is
y/n laughed then got out of the jacuzzi and slowly walked out swaying side to side as corey watched her then she went upstairs in his room putting on one of his shirts and a pair of his shorts then laying down on his bed until he later came up looking at y/n while she laid there on her stomach not paying attention then he hit her butt as hard as possible
Y: FUCK SHOOT A DAMN MONKEY Corey: damn that shit jiggled Y: fuck it stings Corey: should've never left me hanging Y: you ain't have to hit my ass that hard Corey: cry about it Y: i will Corey: and imma just watch Y: wow so fake Corey: and is
y/n kept talking to corey and messing with him then he lays on the bed beside her with his head on her thighs while she continues being on her phone and scrolling through her apps then she goes on snapchat and once she does you can see corey looking all in the camera
Y: damn can i have my phone back Corey: it's in your hands Y: i thought it was yours for a second by the way you all in it ugly ass Corey: not too much i was only looking because my phone downstairs Y: well go get it so you can mind your business Corey: well damn Y: that's what i was thinking when i saw you all in my phone like damn i was gone take a picture of us but you might as well be the damn home screen Corey: ok ma'am i looked for a few seconds Y: a few seconds too long Corey: let me go get my phone Y: please do that Corey: bum
corey got up and hit y/ns butt again as hard as last time and she yelled while he went downstairs laughing and y/n stayed on her stomach with her hands in her butt squirming on the bed and once he came back she went live and set the camera playing around like corey was abusing her then she went in front of the camera bending over about to twerk but corey picked her up by her waist picking her up while she laughed then they sat down and talked and read the comments then hours later they ended the live well corey ended it when y/n sat on his lap and started moving but after he ended y/n got off of him and he looked at her and she just laughed then got under the cover laying down watching netflix on her phone while corey kept calling her name but she laughed and ignored him and after a while she fell asleep leaving him awake and he just chuckled and got under the cover going to sleep also then one of coreys friends posted a picture of y/n and corey that he took that morning when he came over and they were sleep on the couch but y/n and corey were peacefully sleeping while across town the group was in the house awake and talking
Vallyk: man i'm bored Jale: right and y/n probably across town getting dick Melissa: he probably hasn't even touched her Derek: oop i wouldn't say that
derek lifted his phone showing the group the newest tiktokroom post
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liked by derektrendz and 789000 others tiktokroom: corey and y/n getting comfortable together 👀
derektrendz: oop kairicosentino: bestie prolly sleep officialjale: now who posted this 😭 mattiapolibio: y'all in they business?? don't do that alejandrosario: let me go to sleep jadencradle: oop good night *load 26384 more comments*