part 151

500 18 4

once we woke up off the couch i got up going into the kitchen and making breakfast for the house when kobe came and wrapped his arms around my waist and putting his face in the crook of my neck and i could feel him smiling

Y: instead of smiling you could help
Kobe: i like this way better
Y: so you just aren't going to help
Kobe: what do you want help with
Y: can you get the pancake mix out of the cabinet
Kobe: sure

kobe goes to the cabinet and grabs the pancake mix and i put the ingredients in the bowl then i mix in the pancake mix and once it's a batter kobe sticks his finger in it then licks it

Y: fat ass everyone is eating this no one wants your hands in it
Kobe: they can still eat it
Y: no one wants your spit in their pancakes that's nasty
Kobe: when did i ask y/n
Y: get out because you gone fuck shit up
Kobe: no i won't see imma sit on the counter the rest of the time
Y: and you better not move
Kobe: i won't

kobe sits on the counter and i start making the food and once i finish with the pancakes i put 3 of them on everyone's plate and i went to go get the strawberries and whipped cream and i grabbed a knife to slice them and once i turned around i saw kobe eating one of the pancakes so i go and slap him

Y: mother fucker sit your hungry ass down
Kobe: i am sitting down
Y: kobe i am deadass going to poison your food if you don't stop eating shit
Kobe: i'm a little hurt that you're threatening me
Y: tough shit fat ass now move off the counter
Kobe: i'm good babe
Y: i don't like you
Kobe: i know you love me
Y: um chile don't lie
Kobe: i'm not
Y: and is
Kobe: not
Y: bitch

as me and kobe are going back and forth he gets off the counter and picks me up so i'm on the counter now and he's on the floor then he gets to where we are barely an inch apart

Y: back up before i kiss you
Kobe: i don't see nothing wrong with that
Y: move kobe
Kobe: no y/n
Y: i'll bite you
Kobe: yea because you're a lil badass kid
Y: i'm not a kid ass
Kobe: you act like one
Y: bi-

before i finished kobe squished my face and kept giving me kiss after kiss making me smile then someone knocked on the door so i laughed and pushed him away and went to the door

Y: oh hey what are y'all doing here
Mom#2: just came to check on my daughter in law
Y: did you not hear??
Dad#2: about what
Y: me and dejuane got a divorce and a few days ago he told me to stay out of his life and him marrying me and having kids with me was a mistake
Mom#2: why didn't you tell us
Y: i though he did
Mom#2: well are you ok baby
Y: i'm fine i moved on just like dejuane did
Dad#2: one who did dejuane move on with and two who did you move on with
Y: i'm with kobe and dejuanes with ansley
Mom#2: who's kobe
Kobe: that would be me
Mom#2: well i'm glad to see you moving on but you will forever be our daughter y/n
Y: thank you guys, oh do y'all want to join us for breakfast
Dad#2: we would love to but we are going to pay dejuane a visit
Y: alright don't go too hard on him haha
Dad#2: i make no promises
Y: love you guys
Mom#2: we love you too

after that i close the door and the others wake up and sit at the table while i finish making their breakfast then after they sit down and eat and talk then everyone goes upstairs or to their room and get dressed and ready for the day then we all get in the truck and go to the mall and once we get their i hold hands with kobe and we go to a bunch of different stores then while i'm in the dressing room with him i watch him record a bunch of thirst traps while i laugh and then i get up and try on a skirt

Y: sooooo do you like it
Kobe: yea it's cute why don't you get it
Y: are you for real i can get it
Kobe: why wouldn't i be
Y: you aren't worried about someone looking at me
Kobe: no because they can look all they want but they can't touch
Y: oop period ok then i'm getting it with the top that goes with it
Kobe: alright do you want me to pay for it
Y: i mean if you want to you don't have to tho
Kobe: i got it
Y: ok then show out i guess

me and kobe laugh then i put my clothes back on and grab the clothes he was buying and we walked out and laid them on the counter

Cashier: i hope y'all found everything easy
Y: we did thank you
Cashier: alright $40.67 are y'all paying with cash or card
Kobe: card
Cashier: alright let me see it

while kobe handed the woman the card i leaned on the counter just waiting and after she swiped it and handed it to him she caressed his hand then smiled at him so i grabbed my hand sanitizer out my purse and rubbed it on his hand then i kissed him and thanked him and after that i gave the woman a death stare then we walked out

Kobe: not you being defensive
Y: trying to help you not get aids
Kobe: that's what they all say
Y: suck my ass
Kobe: no but i'll suck some else
Y: yea dick
Kobe: stop playing with me
Y: oop don't get mad at me

we continue walking around with everyone else until we got back in our car and went home and we all went to our separate rooms

i hate school 🙃

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