part 181

488 18 7

after they had woken up they were both feeling like themselves again so y/n got up and went into the shower getting ready for the day while corey went home and got ready then he came back and they went to waffle house then to the place they were making the movie at and once they walked in everyone hugged her

Nique: i missed you
Y: i was out with a cold
Nique: are you feeling better
Y: way better now let's shoot this movie
Producer: heard you on that one now let's get going

they headed to the room with the green screen and they started recording from the part where y/n and corey had to kiss and once they did they were almost making out so everyone started fake gagging and they pulled apart flicking them off and laughing then they continued rolling the movie until it was almost over but they had another 45 minutes of the movie to film but it was time for them to go home so they all went out to eat at some restaurant to celebrate and they were playing and laughing along with everyone while corey and y/n were feeding each other and messing around and kobe was yelling ship and other dumb crap making everyone laugh and after a while of just playing everyone went home and y/n went to coreys house for the first time ever and they walked in and she looked around in amazement then she walked into one room and he had pictures of himself hanging on the wall from his modeling shoots

Y: talk about self absorbed
Corey: not too much on me i look good in those and i like to see how far i've came in every shoot
Y: ok but i want to do a shoot
Corey: how have you not already
Y: why would i
Corey: do you see how beautiful you are modeling agencies should be knocking on your door
Y: stop hyping my head up like that
Corey: i'm serious y/n you're gorgeous any agency would be glad to take you all you have to do is make your move
Y: i guess i'm just scared of being judged
Corey: you're gonna get judge no matter what you do so at least let them judge you and get paid for it
Y: i guess you're right i'll give it a shot but who do i call
Corey: don't worry your pretty little mind on that i'll call people for you all you have to do is have the outfits
Y: omg we're really doing this and i'm all in
Corey: as you should now come i want to show you something
Y: ok

corey takes y/n to a room with a jacuzzi with lights in the ceiling and it looked like a galaxy and lights were plastered on the walls with pictures of nature and mountains with even a projector on the wall with a movie playing and y/n stood at the door admiring every aspect then she took her shoes off and put her feet in the jacuzzi water and it fizzled with a purple bath bomb that came out of the bottom of the jacuzzi then blue glitter came out and it was so pretty that a huge smile came across y/ns face it was so amazing she almost cried

Y: this room is gorgeous
Corey: at first i only had the jacuzzi and i was about to give up on it but the day i saw you i knew i wanted to have a special place to show you so i finished building it
Y: how'd you know i'd even talk to you
Corey: i saw your face when you were walking and i could tell you were a sweet and generous person and i could also see the hurt in your eyes so i knew you needed someone to talk to and i was blessed that the person happened to be me
Y: that's so sweet corey and this room is absolutely breath taking i can't even put it into words how much i love this room
Corey: then don't your face says so much more
Y: it's so pretty
Corey: don't cry
Y: no ones ever done something like this for me
Corey: you should be treated like this every day of your life and even though we recently met a week ago i'll make sure to spoil you but you're even beautiful when you cry it's truly a blessing i got to meet you
Y: i don't deserve this i don't even deserve your kindness you are so sweet and nice to me
Corey: you deserve this and more y/n and i can tell no one has treated you like the queen you deserve for a while but i want the chance to do so
Y: are you asking me to date you
Corey: oh no the day i ask you that will be 10x more special than this will ever be
Y: am i being rejected haha
Corey: of course not i would never reject you and i don't plan on ever doing so
Y: i'm kidding corey but this is truly omg just wow
Corey: i'm glad you like it since i made it for you and i wanna let you know there's a key just for you somewhere in this house and you can come in here whenever and i mean whenever you want to
Y: where is it
Corey: i think you should play a game to find it
Y: ok sounds fun
Corey: first wipe them tears
Y: sorry haha
Corey: now let's do a riddle so the keys in the room where love is blind close your eyes and you might find but keep them open and you'll see that it'll always be you and me even through drunken tears where will our love steer
Y: that's a tricky riddle
Corey: think of a place that the riddle describes
Y: umm the bedroom??
Corey: nope
Y: the game room
Corey: wrong
Y: the bar room
Corey: ding ding ding

y/n takes off running to the bar room and once she goes in she sees the key hanging from the ceiling and she looks at corey smiling but with a confused face and all he does is smile and shrug his shoulders so she goes and pulls the string and did key comes down but so does nearly thousands of papers so she put the key in her pocket then while corey sits next to her she one by one picks up each paper and they all reveal place tickets and tickets to concerts and fairs and movies along with ice skating passes and private jet tickets and y/n started crying while looking at all of them along with a huge smile plastered across her face

i'm tryna be spoiled someone come wife me up ✋🙄

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