part 62

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after i woke up it was pretty late but i didn't mind because we were gonna leave in now 2 days but i lowkey wanted to go home early so i asked dejuane and he agreed so we went and told king and nique then we packed our bags and they took us to the airport and once we got there we exchanged numbers and then we got on the flight and left, it took us maybe 5 or 6 hours to make it back home but once we did it was 3am and we walked thru the front door and all we saw was complete chaos, azlynn was running from hailey, dj was crying hella loud, the twins were running around naked, mike and ansley were dancing, kobe and ayaina was obviously drunk and andre and justin had some girls over and idek where vallyk and derek were

Andre: oh y'all are back what's up
Y: nah nah fuck all that azlynn over here NOW and hailey please give dj to dejuane

azlynn came to me and hailey handed dj to dejuane

Y: now if y'all are done fucking up everything can someone please explain what the absolute fuck is going on and why the twins are naked and where the fuck is tatyana and why the fuck was dj crying
Hailey: i chased azlynn because she was running because she didn't want to go to sleep, and the twins refuse to put on their diapers, and dj was crying because i took the bear from him for a second and these girls are over here for andre and justin and derek and vallyk are in the room playing the game and tatyana is with malu and kobe and ayaina are drunk because they are dumb
Y: wait why is she with malu
Hailey: idk

they come to me and i take them and azlynn in the room and bathe them together then i put diapers on all of them then feed them and after that i put them in my bed and they go to sleep then i get dj and bathe him and feed him then lay him in his carriage and i walk back out the room

Y: there they are all sleep now justin and andre take your girls and go to your rooms
Andre: fine

they walk off and go in the rooms then i pick up a few things and dejuane washes dishes then once i fix everything i go in the room and slap derek on his big ass head

Derek: what was that for
Y: you were supposed to watch dj what the fuck is this shit i came home to
Derek: sorry we were busy
Y: busy my mother fucking ass

then i walk out and i pinch kobe and ayainas ears and drag them to their room then i lock the door from the outside so they don't get out and do some dumb shit then i walk in the room and shower then i scoot the kids over so there is enough room for me and dejuane then once dejuane is done showering and finished putting on his clothes which were just his briefs and shorts then he laid down next to me and i laid on him so then the kids scoot back over, now everyone had enough room to move around and what not

the next day once we woke up i got all the kids up and did their morning routine then i showered with dejuane then after that i got the twins and walked them to tatyanas room and she was laying in bed and they jumped on her causing her to wake up so i walked out but about 2 minutes later they ran out crying really hard

Y: aww poor babies what's wrong
Blessing: mommy hit us
Y: wait wtf

i go back in my room and put them down and dejuane watches them then i go back to tatyanas room

Y: why the fuck would you hit them
Tatyana: they should've never jumped on me
Y: so that's a reason to hit them, you shouldn't do that, yelling is one thing but hitting them was way too far
Tatyana: idc i don't even want them they were mistakes anyway
Y: do you hear the shit you're saying
Tatyana: you can have them
Y: do you have any idea how hurt they are gonna be to hear you say this shit

while i was looking at her i look down and see blessing and kj beside me now crying even harder

Y: you know what

i pull out my phone and record and make sure you can clearly hear her
Y: please say what you just said
Tatyana: i said you can have my kids because i don't want them and they were just mistakes
Y: thank you that's it

then i stop the recording and put my phone back in my pocket
Y: if that's how you really feel then tomorrow i'm taking you to court and i'm getting full custody over them so whatever you wanna do you can just make sure after tomorrow you're out of my house permanently
Tatyana: wait where would i go
Y: to malus house because you're no longer welcomed here and btw you're dead to me

then i walked out and held both of the twins as they cried then it hit me that i'll have 4 kids and i'm only 19 but everything happens for a reason i really just felt bad that the twins had to go through this at such a young age but if tatyana wouldn't do it then i'll be the mom that they need

sits back and sips tea

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