part 199

438 14 10

the house was quiet finally no one making any noise everyone was just sleep usually there's always someone up early in the morning making noise and playing but today was just silent and peaceful everyone was doing there own thing and the others were sleep anyways once y/n woke up she went into the living room sitting on the couch just randomly rubbing her stomach and drinking orange juice

Kairi: why are you rubbing you stomach dumb ass
Y: i don't know i just have a feeling i need to if that makes any sense at all because it makes none to me
Kairi: do you think
Y: no nope never i'm done have anymore of those
Kairi: ehh i don't think you are friend
Y: i am bubs thanks for checking though
Kairi: make sure for me
Y: fine

y/n went into her bathroom opening a drawer that had tests in it so she took one of them then while she waited for the results she left it in the bathroom going downstairs sitting on the couch making jokes with everyone and melissa was sitting on the couch mad but no one cared but while she sat there everyone else was talking until dejuane ran downstairs yelling then he picked y/n up yelling and spinning her around then once he put her down she was dizzy so she plopped down on the couch while dejuane jumped up and down

Mike: the fuck is wrong with you
Dejuane: i got what i wanted i'm getting a 3rd baby
Y: whatdidhesayyyy
Kairi: told you y/n you dumb fucker
Y: well shit let's just hope it's a boy
Dejuane: why i want a girl
Y: i want a boy
Dejuane: girl
Y: no fuck off
Dejuane: i always get what i want so just wait
Y: i have a feeling you're right and i hate it

everyone was talking and what not while melissa just kept giving y/n smug looks but after a while melissa said they should all go to a party so even though y/n couldn't drink she decided to go anyway so she put on a tight dress that could stretch out but she wanted to wear a tight dress before she couldn't any more so once they were done getting ready dejuane kept looking at y/n licking his lips making y/n smile then she rolled her eyes and everyone walked downstairs and out the door first going to dejuanes mom house to tell the news and drop off the kids including julian, kj and blessing of course and she was so happy then once they left they got to the party and you could smell smoke and alcohol so y/n covered her nose not wanting to risk the baby to second hand smoke so while she covered her nose she ended up going outside then she came back in when the smoke cleared

Sharan POV:
when y/n came back inside she was looking around for dejuane but he went to the bathroom to pee so she went talking to some random people so i looked away from her and over to melissa and i saw her put something in a cup of water then she walked to y/n handing it to her so i hurried getting up going to her and knocked it out of her hand

Sharan: what the fuck is wrong with you
Melissa: what do you mean
Sharan: i watched you put something in y/ns drink are you really that cold
Y: you tried to kill my baby or maybe even me
Melissa: i don't know what you're talking about
Y: sharan would never lie so why did you do it
Melissa: oh you would've been fine losing one child you have two
Y: so trying to kill my baby because you can't get what you want in life is a good reason
Melissa: whatever
Y: i knew you were fucked up but this is a whole new level you're a fucked up person and you are no longer welcomed at my house
Dejuane: what's going on cutie
Y: melissa tried to fucking drug me
Dejuane: wait what

while we were arguing back and forth i wanted to punch her so bad but i didn't want y/n to get hit since she was in the way so i waited until she walked off with dejuane then melissa made a comment like "next time i'll shoot you bitch" and that was my breaking point because she threatened my sister and my unborn niece or nephew so i walked up to her and i punched her and she grabbed my hair so i kicked her leg making us fall to the ground and while i was on top of her even while she had my hair i was punching her in the face while she yelled and pulled my hair then dejuane pulled me off of her but i took my heel off hitting her in the face with it then she called corey and he came picking her up while me and the others went beck home sitting in the living room in silence

Gabby: well that was interesting
Jale: it was definitely that
Y: i'm going to sleep and remind me to never go to another party until i can fight a hoe
Sharan: shit i'm glad i hit that bitch she got my shoe a lil bloody but fuck it
Y: haha thank you for real though if it wasn't for you my little one would be gone and i can't thank you enough
Sharan: that's what family does y/n
Y: aww i love you guys
Sharan: we love you too

back to y/n POV:
after i thanked sharan some more i went upstairs with dejuane and i put on one of his shirts and some loose pants of his then laid down on the bed until he came in front of me on one knee with a beautiful diamond ring in his hands

Y: wait oh my God stop playing are you for real
Dejuane: of course i know i messed up the first time shit there's a lot of times i messed up but i want this chance to be the one where i make you proud and not fail you i promise i'll change for you and our growing family all i need is you in my corner supporting me every step of the way so what do you say will you do the honor and once again be mrs mccoy
Y: of course dejuane i would love to

smiling through the pain bruh 💔😭

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