part 157

544 17 14

i woke up to kobe tickling and kissing me so i kiss him back a few times then i laugh and push him off of me then he picks me up while we laugh and we go shower then we decided to let the kids sleep in so while they slept we went downstairs eating with the group and just talking then me and kobe went and sat on the couch with our fingers interlocked just watching funny videos on tiktok and we would laugh and sometimes i commented then i saw an edit of me and kobe so i commented on that one and saved it then i made it my live wallpaper and kobe did the same then we got up and in our pajamas we decided to just go to waffle house for fun so we walked out and i drove this time and once we got there we got out sitting at a table just talking and laughing and playing around then our food came and i had something on my face then kobe kissed it off and he kept doing it while i was laughing then once he finished and we pulled apart we turned our head seeing the old group so we look at each other and bust out laughing while holding hands across the table then they walked over to us and we sat there looking at each other then back at them over and over

Sora: so what are y'all
Kobe: she's my wife
Sora: wait fr?!
Kobe: in my mind yea
Y: you play too much but we're dating
Sora: that's cute
Y: thank you what are y'all doing here
Ballo: we decided to get breakfast
Y: do y'all not cook anymore??
Kay: not since you left
Y: that can't be healthy can it
Kobe: no it's not at all
Jared: you going to come cook for us
Ansley: no she's not
Y: sis i was going to say no anyway
Ansley: you aren't coming anyway
Y: bitch are you dumb or did you not hear what i just said
Kobe: she must be dumb
Dejuane: shut up kobe
Y: don't tell him what to do
Kobe: that's bae right there
Y: as i should be
Dejuane: so he fucked and now he's bae
Y: no he actually he took me on a really nice date and it was so pretty i was actually planning on posting the pictures today so you'll see
Dixie: that sounds so cute
Y: bro it was i loved it so much
Monroe: can we see some of them
Y: yea come here

a few of them circle around me and i flip through the pictures and videos showing them and once i finish they go back to where they were standing smiling

Nia: omg that's so cute
Tatyanah: the dancing is what would've made me want to marry someone
Y: it was so romantic i would definitely do it again
Dejuane: my first time asking you was better
Y: it was literally in a pool so it wasn't
Kobe: i just do everything better you know
Y: as you should
Avani: i'm lowkey jealous bruh that looks so fucking fun
Kobe: i can give y'all the address to the places we went in case y'all want to go one day
Lexi: but won't we be invading y'all place
Kobe: i have so many more places i want to take y/n so it'll be fine
Avani: ok i'm definitely jealous now
Y: haha but fr y'all should come over one day and i'll make y'all breakfast because eating out everyday isn't good
Kobe: look at my baby being thoughtful
Devyn: you would actually let us do that
Y: all because i don't talk to y'all as much doesn't mean i want to see one of you sick
Cherry: can we come today i'm tired of eating out
Y: well we ate breakfast with everyone before we came here but we can make y'all lunch
Donn: omg please
Y: yea come on

me and kobe pay then we get up getting in the car while the others get in there's and they follow us to the house and once we open the door the kids run to us and i pick up dj and we all walk to the kitchen and i put dj down and i start making food for both of the groups and the kids and once i finished me, the kids, kobe and the group that lives with me sat on the couch eating and while the old group sat in the kitchen and the table eating and whispering but while we were watching a movie half way through it i heard a plate break so i jump up along with kairi and mattia and we walk in the kitchen trying to see what happened

Y: what the hell happened
Ansley: that food was shit so i threw it
Y: ok if you didn't like it then you could've threw it away you didn't have to break anything
Ansley: i just made it one less dish for you to wash
Y: don't come in my fucking house breaking anything you didn't pay for because as you can see all my plates are fine china so unless you are going to pay me for that plate then don't come in here acting like someone just did some shit to you when i let you in my home

while kairi and mattia cleaned the glass and food off the floor cherry rolled her eyes at ansley and helped them ansley pulled out her wallet and threw money at me so i stood right there and put my hair in a bun

Y: this is going to go two ways bitch one you are going to come and pick this up and give it to me like you have some damn sense or two i'll make you do it
Ansley: you can't make me do anything and you act like a dog so i'm just treating you like one
Y: well looks like you picked number two

i go up to ansley and drag her to where i was standing at first and i was about to punch her until kobe grabbed my hand so i looked at him and huffed then he made me let go of her

Y: she was talking shit so why couldn't i hit her
Kobe: because you are the bigger person
Y: but-
Kobe: no buts
Y: omg fine
Kobe: just go upstairs and i'll be up later
Y: fine but that bitch better pay for that plate
Kobe: i'll make sure she does now go upstairs please
Y: i'm going jeez

kobe let's go of my hand and kisses me then i walk upstairs and sit on the bed shaking my leg wanting to punch something or someone but i forced myself to sleep until kobe came in the room with the kids jumping on me so i woke up and we all got ready for bed then when the kids went to sleep me and kobe showered 😏 then we got dressed and walked out went to sleep also

yup 😌

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