part 99

594 19 10

after i finished packing i laid down besides derek and he ran his finger up and down my back and played with my hair then i fell asleep and once i woke up the group was in the room along with davine and dejuane so i sat up rubbing my eyes

Diego: what did y'all do
Y: um watched movies and tv
Diego: oh
Y: yea when did y'all get back
Kobe: a few minutes ago
Y: so what's the situation are y'all good
Dejuane: sure i don't really care
Y: don't lie we know you cared because you wanted another child and for that child to not be yours after you've done stuff for her to make sure it was ok that hurt you and soon you'll have to admit it wether you want to or not
Dejuane: yea i know and when that time comes then i'll deal with it
Y: alright but i really don't feel like being involved so i'm going back to sleep

and like that i laid back down on derek and i was out like a light

Dereks pov:
once y/n went back to sleep dejuane and jared started arguing while i rubbed y/ns head to make sure she doesn't wake up then me and the rest of the group sit back and watch davine play with her son that she apparently named julian i don't know if jared planned on staying in the baby's life but i hope he does but then i guess you never know

Mike: so what's up with you and y/n
Derek: um we doing us
Mike: what do you mean by that
Derek: i'm gonna ask her out but i don't want to do it like every other guy i want mine to be special and something she'll always remember

when i say this i feel her smile on my chest and i let out a little chuckle

Vallyk: what's funny
Derek: nothing but yea imma ask her for sure
Jared: no one asked
Derek: actually mike did if you ever listen and get your head out your ass
Jared: bro shut the fuck up no one cares that you got her or are gonna get her or whatever the fuck y'all do
Derek: we smile together, laugh together, play together and fuck together
Y: you can't hold water can't you
Devyn: omg wait are you fr
Y: i can't answer that i'm sleep see

y/n lays back down going to "sleep" and i laugh and the group keeps interrogating me while dejuane kept giving me stares so sometimes i stared back and others i just rolled my eyes but after a while they finally left me alone and got their bags ready for tomorrow since we leave then davine laid julian on her chest and went to sleep while everyone else showered and did their night routine then just got in any random bed and as i was about to go to sleep dejuane taps on my shoulder

Dejuane: she's just using you to get over me
Derek: sure
Dejuane: i'm serious i bet i could kiss her right now and she'll kiss back
Derek: then do it
Dejuane: bet wake her up
Derek: ok

i shake y/n and she slowly gets up rubbing her eyes and i lowkey feel bad because she looks tired

Y: hmmm
Derek: dejuane wants you
Y: what do you want

i knew dejuane wasn't actually gonna do it so i got on my phone scrolling through instagram then i hear a loud smack and everyone jumps up

Monroe: what the hell was that
Y: dejuane knows i'm trying to be with derek and then he decided to kiss me anyway!! that shit isn't cool leave me alone i don't want to be with you i'm with derek or at least almost so respect that and respect him now come here derek so i can go back to sleep

i kiss y/ns forehead then she lays back down and i laugh and shoot a bird at dejuane then i get back on my phone scrolling through my socials then after awhile everyone laid back down and went to sleep

short chapter 🙃 comment some ideas and i'll pick from the best ones

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