part 24

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at this point i just put a random song 💀 neways

we have on aprons throwing flour on each other and throwing eggs then cherry comes over so we give her a nice welcome and dump flour on her head
C: bruh wth
Y: surprise motherfucker
we all started bursting out laughing the the rest of the gang pulled up besides dejuane and we were all covered in flour
Y: last one to the pool sucks dick
we took off our shoes and ran to the pool with everything on just splashing around and throwing each other in we then got out and mike went to where his clothes usually are since like i said he basically lives with me and kobe, derek, and vallyk all did the same thing while everyone else went home once the boys got done getting dressed they went home also and i put their wet clothes in the washer then diego texted me
sweet boy 🥺❤️
sweet boy🥺❤️: hey y/n
Y: hey diego
sweet boy🥺💀: wanna hang out??
Y: for sure what time??
sweet boy🥺❤️: umm 10
Y: why so late you tryna kill me??
sweet boy🥺❤️: what no
Y: i'm kidding yea i'll be there what should i wear
sweet boy🥺❤️: something comfortable
Y: alright see you then ttyl
sweet boy🥺❤️: alright i'll pick you up
Y: ok bet
*end of messages*

we have on aprons throwing flour on each other and throwing eggs then cherry comes over so we give her a nice welcome and dump flour on her head C: bruh wthY: surprise motherfucker we all started bursting out laughing the the rest of the gang pull...

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y/n spam: about to go see diego i guess
liked by: notdiegomatir and 400000 others
notdiegomatir: yessir
whoscynthia: oop
y/n spam: girl bye ^^
polybioh: miss you
y/n spam: sure ^^
alefansonly: that's a baddie
y/n spam: period daddy ale^^
wheresdejuane: why??
y/n spam: y'all hear sum ^^
*load 4000 comments*

i wait a few minutes and then diego honks the horn letting me know he's outside so i go out and get in his car
Di: what's up
Y: sup
he gives me a side hug then we blasting wap
we were literally just driving around no where certain then we saw a really cute view from a cliff and so we get out and sit down
Di: so i kinda have a huge favor to ask
Y: no i won't have sex with you
Di: WHAT oh no no
Y: oh ok just making sure
Di: it's actually a little serious
Y: ok what is it
Di: i lowkey need you to fake date me
Y: ahaha good one but fr what's the question
Di: i'm serious
Y: oh ok hell no
Di: bruh please
Y: for what
Di: i wanna make lauren jealous
Y: and what's in it for me
Di: umm you can make dejuane jealous
Y: hmmm i am hella petty...... DEAL
Di: yessir
Y: but how would we "break up"
Di: i could lie like i cheated on you
Y: damn ok
Di: i won't actually
Y: it won't matter we're jus doing it to get our ex's back even though mine can go suck some balls
Di: ok so how do we post it
Y: we should take a picture dropping a hint then we all know tiktokroom is nosey ash so they'll repost it then boom it's out that we're "dating"
Di: true
me and diego get up and i just jump in his arms and we put them phone on self timer and it takes the picture so i get down
Y: ok that's good
Di: bruh people are gonna eat this up
Y: hell yea but we also gonna get hella hate
Di: true
we laugh then get back in the car and eat some mcdonald's we decided to post the picture when we both got home so once he dropped me off and he got home safely i facetimed him and we decided it was time
Y: ok 1.....
Di: 2....
Y&Di: 3
i go on insta and post it with a dumb caption and then just like clockwork tiktokroom posted it

tiktokroom: are we here for diego and y/n 👀liked by diegomatir and 500000 othersdiegomatir: i am 🥳y/n

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tiktokroom: are we here for diego and y/n 👀
liked by diegomatir and 500000 others
diegomatir: i am 🥳
y/ yessir^^
dejuane.mccoy: when she moves on 💔
y/ when he did it first ^^
cherrychy: oop
*load 5000 more comments*

Y: see i told you
Di: no i told you
Y: liar
Di: ok so how do we do this
Y: i really don't know, um we can hold hands and stuff but i'm not kissing you EVER
Di: what if someone asks us to
Y: then i'll make something up why we can't
Di: ok
with that i put my phone on do not disturb then went to sleep with purple led lights i woke up feeling extremely tired thankfully today was Friday i force myself out of bed and go get ready for the day once i ate breakfast i put my clothes and then diego texted me saying he was outside i go out the house and lock the door and walk to diego's car and get inside
Di: good morning bae
Y: yea.....nooo don't call me that
Di: fine good morning y/n
Y: good morning diego
we drive to school just listening to music like we normally would then we got out the car and walked to the group, we saw dejuane and lauren hugging so diego got mad and smashed our lips together in front of dejuane so he walked off pissed and andre, cherry, artis, ansley, and justin all walked off with him
K: bro why'd you do that in front of him
Y: that's a damn good question
i say turning towards diego mad asf
Di: i- i- um
Y: whatever
i go to diego and whisper in his ear "don't do that shit again" then i walk off with the boys but ofc i have first block with dejuane and diego along with andre and cherry and can't forget about lauren, ofc no one is talking to me because they think i did it which isn't even halfway true since i told diego not to ever kiss me
Y: so i'm getting the silent treatment again
ofc no answer but i do get a response out of dejuane and that's him kissing lauren, just my fucking luck and ofc since i'm me i end up pouring my eyes out in front of everyone now i look suspicious so i cover my face and walk out then cherry follows me
C: what was that
Y: nothing
C: it was something tell me
Y: swear you won't tell anyone
C: i swear
Y: no even artis
C: come on bruh just tell me
Y: ok but if this gets out i'll literally kill you
i tell her everything and i mean everything from me meeting diego to now
C: oh wow well how long do you plan on keeping this up
Y: only one more month then he's gonna kiss lauren or something in front of me then we argue or some shit like that
C: oh ok then
and just like that the bell rung so i fixed myself up and walked out i thought to myself "this is gonna be one long month"

btw i decided to continue my other book 😁

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