part 94

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i jump up out of my sleep with tears streaming down my face and i look around and everyone is still sleep while my heart races everyone starts waking up and looking at me with confused faces all i do is limp out of bed and go hug dejuane

Y: i'm so sorry if marrying davine is what makes you happy then be with her but just know i don't regret ever meeting you and if i had a choice to change my past i would keep everything the exact same

Dejuane: y/n what are you talking about i never asked davine to marry me
Y: wait didn't i talk to davine about when her baby was due
Dejuane: yea then you knocked tf out
Y: wait so your not gonna marry her
Dejuane: um i don't plan on it and if i'm correct i'm legally still married to you
Y: shit with everything going on i forgot to divorce your ugly ass
Diego: so technically y'all been cheating on each other
Y: no because were not together
Kobe: but legally you are
Y: but mentally we're not so suck my ass
Kobe: well shit then i'm about to slide in dejuanes dms
Dejuane: yessir
Y: if y'all wanna suck a lil dick just say that
Derek: shit i want to
Mike: ofc you do
Vallyk: fr derek we all know you secretly sus ash
Devyn: ok but what the hell did you dream about

even though i didn't want to i tell them my whole entire dream

Dejuane: aww she still loves me
Y: fuck off bitch wait so did i actually break up with jared
Diego: no that's why i was about to tell you to stop talking
Y: jared it will take a little time for me to fully be over the bitch over there and if you're willing to be with me until then, then i'm fine with that but if not i respect your decision but i can't promise that i'll ever get over dejuane
Jared: y/n i'll stay with you rather you get over him or not i'll be right here
Y: thank you

after that i sit down thanking God that it was all a dream then i continue talking the group then i lay back down and watch tv and eat some of jared's snacks then everyone decided they wanted to go to a party but due to my ankle i decided to stay and since davine was pregnant she stayed also along with dejuane but i told jared to go because he needed a little fun then once they all left dejuane came and sat next to me showing me pictures his mom took of the kids

Davine: shouldn't you be over here with me
Dejuane: no because i can go where i want
Y: you can go over there if you want to
Dejuane: no she'll be fine by herself it's not like the beds aren't right next to each other
Y: he does have a point davine you can just walk over here
Davine: i'm not getting up
Dejuane: then you gone be over there by yourself
Y: period

3rd person pov:
y/n and dejuane keep messing with davine until they get bored then they continue looking at pictures and watching movies then y/n goes to sleep and dejuane lays next to her while she sleeping then after a few more movies he falls asleep with her leaving davine awake then she finally swallows her pride and goes on the bed with them falling asleep also and after 2 hours the group comes in and sees them sleep so the quietly get ready for bed then when theyre done they just sleep wherever there was an empty spot while the others slept on the other bed and soon the whole room was quiet and everyone was sleeping peacefully

sorry for doing y'all like that 💀😭

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