part 135

513 18 11

while y/n was looking at the ceiling thinking she got up and walked downstairs while the others stared at her

Y: i know i look bad but y'all staring isn't making me feel any better
Gabby: sorry but are you ok
Y: i guess
Sharan: do you want to go somewhere
Y: not really
Melissa: well we're gonna go somewhere and wherever we go we'll bring you something back
Y: ok thank you

y/n watched as all the girls got up and went upstairs to put on dresses and heels and she could smell their perfume and when they came back down they were all dressed up with makeup and their hair curled or straightened then they waved at y/n so as soon as they did y/n jogged upstairs and got the note then she went back downstairs and she sat on the couch mentally preparing herself for what the note might say then when she opened she read it word for word and once she finished she folded it and threw her head back on the couch softly crying with the note pressed against her chest then she grabbed her keys and drove to the old house and knocked on the door

Ansley: what are you doing here
Y: i just need to get some things then i'll be gone

y/n walked upstairs to her old room and grabbed her scrapbook and her old note along with her ring again and she decided to just put it in the scrapbook then she jogged back downstairs

Diego: why'd you come back for that
Y: i just wanted it again
Devyn: what happened to your nose
Y: oh i fell at a party haha
Lexi: oh was dejuane with you
Y: no i thought he was with y'all
Nia: no we haven't seen him at all
Y: oh ok i'll check and see where he is
Derek: do you want to stay for a while
Y: oh no i got to get back to kairi and my kids
Josh: are y'all dating
Y: no he's just my best friend
Jaden: you should come see us more
Y: i will do that now can i go
Haihai: we just miss you that's all
Y: alright i missed y'all too and i'll be back soon i promise
Kobe: see you soon
Y: alright

i wave bye to everyone then i walk out the house and get in my car and drive back home and once i make it home i put the new note in the scrapbook then i just go through all the pages and see a bunch of memories and some of them make me laugh and giggle then i saw kairi coming downstairs with the kids so i hurry up and sit on the book

Kairi: hey y/n why weren't you upstairs
Y: oh i went to go do something
Kairi: oh you could've woke us up we would've came
Y: haha yea i know i just wanted to go by myself
Kairi: oh ok i'm about to feed the kids
Y: ok i need to put something upstairs

i hurry upstairs hiding the book then i put it in my dresser with my hoodie and when i go back downstairs i see mattia is also there with robert who i haven't seen in a long time

Y: long time no see stranger
Robert: hey y/n what's up with your nose
Y: i fell at a party
Kairi: no yo-
Y: kairi shut up now
Robert: um ok where is everyone
Y: they left to a party
Mattia: oh i'm not here i guess
Y: bitch i literally saw you 2 days ago shut up
Mattia: fuck you
Y: anyways robert where have you been
Robert: i've been traveling like i've always wanted to do
Y: ok i see you marking things off that bucket list
Robert: you already know

i continued talking to them then we went on the couch and watched movies and talked then kairi went and put the kids to sleep then he came stomping down the steps and next thing i knew he was in front of me with dejuanes hoodie and the scrapbook

Kairi: what the fuck is this y/n
Y: stuff
Kairi: stop playing
Y: why were you going through my stuff anyway
Kairi: because you've been extremely secretive lately
Y: well i'm pretty sure you know what it is if you're mad
Kairi: come on y/n he fucking hit you what don't you understand
Y: i know kairi but that doesn't mean that the love and memories just go away
Kairi: omg you have to be fucking stupid y/n
Y: kairi i love you but don't worry about me i'm not a fucking child i know he hit me i'm not dumb but like i said that doesn't change how i feel no i'm not going to let him near me but that doesn't mean i can't love him and for you to be throwing in my face because i have a hoodie and a fucking scrapbook is bullshit and you know it

i snatch them out of kairi hands then i storm upstairs and slam my door shut and just sit on the bed then i put them back where they were and i go to sleep but i wake up to the sound of someone shuffling around in my room and i open my eyes and see dejuane standing in the doorway and then he walks towards me and i flinch as he gently touches my face

Y: please get out dejuane
Dejuane: i miss you
Y: i don't care you need to leave
Dejuane: i just came to tell you i love you
Y: ok you've said it now please go dejuane
Dejuane: are you going to say it back
Y: no dejuane now leave
Dejuane: i really do miss you y/n, i miss us and what we used to have
Y: you messed that up for yourself dejuane now please leave me alone
Dejuane: i see you still have the hoodie i left for you
Y: yea i decided to keep it
Dejuane: so you must still love me
Y: never said i didn't
Dejuane: so then say it and i'll leave just tell me you love me one more time
Y: what do you mean one more time
Dejuane: can you just say it please y/n and i'll leave just like you want
Y: dejuane you're creeping me out
Dejuane: say it y/n please
Y: alright i love you dejuane i do and you know that so why do you need to hear me say it
Dejuane: i just did

before dejuane leaves he grabs my face and kisses me and then he walks out and i sit on the bed more confused then ever and worrying about what he meant

bro i had practice today and lady made us do 40 squats, 50 leg lifts, 60 crunches and 25 jumping jacks 😭

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