part 35

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(don't listen to the song if you're white because it says the n word a lot in it)

once i got up it was around 6:00am and i look over and dejuane is laying next to me "slick mf" i get out of bed shower then get dressed and grab my keys, i was heading to get a new phone, omw i just go to mcdonald's and get a smoothie then continue on my way to the apple store, i go inside and see a beautiful phone so i bring it to the register but they say i would have to buy the other one to match so i decide to just get both then i leave out the store thinking about what i'm gonna do with the other phone

once i got up it was around 6:00am and i look over and dejuane is laying next to me "slick mf" i get out of bed shower then get dressed and grab my keys, i was heading to get a new phone, omw i just go to mcdonald's and get a smoothie then continu...

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i just put the other one in my purse and keep out the one with the blue dinosaur, then i start putting in my information and logging back into my socials and once i'm done i go back home when i walk thru the door i go to the kitchen and eat a apple then i go back to my room where dejuane is still sleep so i get back in my pajamas and go back to sleep since today was a weekend
i woke up again at 1pm so i slept for about 6 hours, when i sat up i saw the bathroom door was closed so i figured dejuane was in there so i turned on the tv and started playing call of duty 3 until dejuane came out looking like a ten course meal with 2 sides, i didn't look because like i said "he's not getting me back that easy" then he comes in front of me
Y: if you don't mind i'm not trying to die
De: you can just lose
he says leaning on the bed now a few inches away from my face
Y: not tryna die like i just said
De: you can lose like i just said
he now gets on the bed trying to kiss me but i keep backing up so now he's hovering over me
Y: i'm good g
De: sure about that
Y: couldn't be more sure about anything in my life
De: alright then move
Y: i can't your in front of me
De: exactly
dejuane starts kissing me and since i can't move ofc i kiss back then we start making out but then mike burst in saving me
Y: oh thank god
i say pushing dejuane off of me and getting up while dejuane walks back in the bathroom
Y: you saved my life
M: as i should
Y: omg you're dumb, anyways what do you want
M: idk i'm just bored and there isn't anything to do
Y: true we can all have a movie night tonight
M: actually that doesn't sound too bad
Y: alright then we go can shopping for snacks and horror movies then we'll set up the living room so everyone has a spot
M: alright i'll let everyone know
Y: wait so you're gonna leave me with the horny fuck
M: yes, actually i am
Y: oh lord
mike walks out and i sit back down on the bed sitting on my phone watching videos then dejuane walks back out, only difference now is that he's completely naked
Y: you just won't give up huh??
De: no not really
he goes and locks the door then starts walking towards me
Y: um no
De: um yes
he keeps walking towards me now he's hovering over me completely naked, at this point i just gave in then we did it, next thing i know i wake up and it's 5:30pm so i shower again and then get dressed all while my legs were hurting like hell so once i finished i laid back down and just watched Netflix until someone knocked on the door
after i said that the person that walked in was my dad i was gonna hug him but like i said my legs were hurting so i waited till he sat on the bed to hug him
Y: what are you doing here
Dad: well i heard you got a house so i wanted to come by and see
Y: well dad while you're here i want you to meet someone
Dad: ok who??
Dad: who's dejuane
Y: just wait
about 2 minutes later dejuane walks thru the door
Y: dad meet my boyfriend and dejuane meet my dad
Dad: boyfriend
Y: yes dad i'm 17 and have my own house i think i can have a boyfriend
De: uh um well nice to meet you sir
dejuane goes shake my dads hand then my dad shakes back but he then gets up and walks out the room taking dejuane with him so i just continue watching videos then 30 minutes later dejuane comes back in
Y: how'd it go
De: he told me if i hurt you again he'll kill me, did you tell him everything
Y: um 😐 maybe
De: welp i'm gonna die
Y: you'll be fine big baby
we talked for a few more hours then everyone got dressed and we went to the store to get snacks and what not then we got back home and organized the living room so everyone can sleep how they want to then once we finished we all laid down and turned on the movie but kobe and tatyana kept talking
Y: can y'all shut the fuck up
M: fr we can barely hear
K: well damn our bad
V: fucking finally
we all focused back on the movie now that it was actually silent enough to hear, then i get a call from zach so i walk off to answer

Dejuane POV
y/n walked off to answer a call and she was gone for about 10 minutes
De: guys i'll be right back
A: ok
i walk off to go find y/n so i go up to her room door but i just stop and listen
Y: boy stop playing with me fat head ass
it sounded like she was flirting then i heard her say
Y: ok bye i love you too
which made me mad so i walked off and sat back on the couch
M: what's wrong
De: nun i'm fine
end of dejuane POV

i walk out the room after calling zach because his big head ass really tried to check me but anyways he called me to remind me it was his moms birthday so i said happy birthday mama to her because she was like a second mom to me then i told her i loved her because i do she's so sweet to me, i go to the couch and go back next to dejuane but he moves so i just figure he wanted more space so i just lay where i was and once i get tired i go to my room and fall sleep, i went to sleep in a bra and some booty shorts and i woke up around 2:00am so i walk out the room because i'm thirsty but when i walk out the whole football team from Atl is in the living room with dejuane and when i walk out they all stare at me
Y: omg i'm sorry i didn't know anyone was here
i run back in the room covering my butt so they wouldn't look then i went under the cover embarrassed af the about 3 minutes later dejuane came in
De: you've got to be kidding me
Y: i'm sorry i didn't know they were here
De: whatever anyways who were you on the phone with today
Y: not that it's any of your business but it was zachs mom and i was telling her happy birthday
De: oh my bad
Y: what do you mean
De: i thought you were cheating
Y: well damn
De: i apologize
Y: ok it doesn't matter now but can you get me something to drink
De: why don't you go get it
Y: because of what i'm wearing that's awkward
De: just put on one of my hoodies and come out
Y: ok but you can't be mad at me if they stare
De: nvm i'll go get it
Y: thank you
dejuane goes and gets my drink, as he should then once his friends leave he comes back in the room with me then we go shower together (👀) then we get dressed and go to sleep, but before i do i remember kais birthday is tomorrow (not actually ofc) so i decided to throw him a surprise birthday party so while everyone is getting here and setting stuff up tomorrow i'm going to distract kairi by taking him shopping or just staying at his house since that's free lol, i look over and see dejuane sleep so i kiss him then fall asleep myself

my obsession with dejuane is growing 😪

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