part 160

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once we woke up the doctor came in with kobes release forms so he signed them and they gave him his crunches and a amount of time he had to stay off his leg so while he got himself ready i grabbed his prescription papers and his phone then we walked to the car and he got in the passenger seat and i got in the driver seat and we drove to the pharmacy and got his medicine then we went home and i helped kobe upstairs and in the room and then i ran him some water and he sat in it with his cast sticking out and i went in with him just talking

Kobe: come over here
Y: i'm close enough kobe
Kobe: not really
Y: kobe you have a broke leg there's no way that's going to work
Kobe: yes there is so come over here and i can show you
Y: no i'm staying over here now bathe and let's get out
Kobe: well come over here and wrap it please
Y: fine hold though so i can go get it

i get out the tub while kobe watches me and i wrap myself with a towel and walk out the room getting the wrap then i go back in the bathroom and i take my towel off then i get back in the tub and i go next to kobe wrapping his leg making sure there aren't any holes and he pulls me on him so that i'm facing him and i laugh

Y: kobe move so i can finish wrapping your leg
Kobe: that can wait
Y: then why'd you ask me to wrap it
Kobe: so i could get you closer to me
Y: boy move
Kobe: stop acting like you don't like this
Y: i will kill you
Kobe: you can kill me by sucking my soul out of my dick
Y: omg you're disgusting let me go before i throw up
Kobe: i'll get you soon
Y: no you won't sweet heart

i move away from kobe while he laughs and i roll my eyes leaning my head on the side of the tub in my thoughts and after a while he nudges me telling me he's done so i get out and get dressed then i help kobe out and while he gets dressed i sit on the bed on my phone rocking back and forth then i got on instagram scrolling through tiktokroom and commenting on posts just to make people laugh until i come across one that had something to do with me so kobe sat next to me while i was looking at it then i showed him the post

i move away from kobe while he laughs and i roll my eyes leaning my head on the side of the tub in my thoughts and after a while he nudges me telling me he's done so i get out and get dressed then i help kobe out and while he gets dressed i sit on...

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tiktokroom: messages that @dejuane

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tiktokroom: messages that @dejuane.mccoy leaked between him and y/n from last night
liked by dejuane.mccoy and 560000 others

y/ nice photoshop but babes don't make me post the real messages where you were blowing up my phone telling me you miss me and love me and getting with ansley was a mistake 🥱
love.y/n: do it babes!!^^
derektrendz: it's the lying for me
therealslimedupmike: the photoshop is immaculate
kbreezo: i literally had her phone last night and i read y'all messages so why you posting fake ass messages bruh 💀
random: i was rooting for kobe and y/n
y/ as you should because those messages fake asf^^
mattiapolibio: let's not lie for clout
kairiconsentio: ✨obsessed✨
*load 45000 more comments*

Y: this nigga does anything in his power to play the victim
Kobe: you can't let him get to you
Y: that's way easier said than done because now he's lying on my name and i don't play that
Kobe: i know you don't but if you give him your attention then you are giving him what he wants
Y: mane this shit is starting to piss me off
Kobe: you could calm down by sucking a lil dick
Y: kobe i am 2 seconds away from slapping the shit out of you shut up
Kobe: i'm serious
Y: and i'll seriously bite it off so leave me alone

kobe starts laughing and i leave my phone in my room and walk downstairs sitting on the couch talking to the others about the post and how pissed off i was and i shaking my leg and trying to calm down then kobe came downstairs with my phone and i saw dejuane blowing me up talking about "last night"

Kobe: you went to his house yesterday??
Y: kobe if this is going to end with you arguing with me thinking something happened then i don't have time for it
Kobe: i never said it was i'm just asking did you or did you not go over there last night
Y: i did and why does that matter
Kobe: that's all i needed to know
Y: nothing happened so why are you giving me a slick attitude for
Kobe: no reason i'll be in the room
Y: for what
Kobe: whenever you want to tell the truth
Y: the truth about what
Kobe: the truth about what happened
Y: nothing happened
Kobe: ok
Y: oh you've got to be fucking kidding me

kobe didn't say anything he just threw his hands up and walked upstairs going in the room and closing the door and by now i was beyond fucking pissed not even at kobe but at dejuane because he was getting what he wanted and that was him fucking up my life until he got what he wanted so i grabbed my keys and got in my car going to his house and i banged on his door and when he opened it i shoved my phone in his face then i pulled it back

Y: are you fucking serious right now why the fuck are you lying on my name
Dejuane: it's the only way for me to get you back
Y: it's pathetic at this point you got what you wanted which was me out of your life and you really think lying on me is going to make me come back to you like bruh leave me alone the shit is getting ridiculous you are fucking shit up with me and kobe and it's starting to piss me off the only reason i haven't blocked you is because when you have the kids i need to know but you are really pushing it now
Dejuane: then take me back and you won't have to worry about anything
Y: NO GOT DAMN IT no the answer is no now if you don't leave me alone i'll post it dejuane i'll post all the fucking messages the phone calls the threats all of it and i will fuck up your image so much that it won't even be funny so like i said leave me alone and this is your last chance to listen before i drag your name through hell

i slap dejuane really hard then i walk off getting in my car and driving back home and once i got there i went into the drink cabinet and grabbed some hennessy and i poured me a shot and took it outside sitting by the edge of the pool thinking about drinking it then kairi came outside and talked me out of it so i threw the glass and walked inside and i sat on the couch with my face buried in mattias shirt crying

imma retake the test before 12 😖

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