part 129

543 16 13

2 days after everything the kids came over today and i was playing with them and we were laughing and talking, then dejuane came in the room with a guitar and no shirt

Y: where's davine and where's your shirt
Dejuane: she went home and my shirt is on your mind
Y: ok well what do you want weirdo
Dejuane: i'm going to sing you a song
Y: omg please don't
Azlynn: daddy, mommy said you date a goblin named davine
Y: anyways um don't play that song
Dj: she did say that

sharan runs upstairs and sits next to me and i whisper in her ear that the kids are fucking snitches then she laughs and stays next to me while dejuane starts being a dumbass and singing random shit then he put on a cowboy hat i had and pointed at me

Dejuane: i love you bitch, i ain't never gonna stop loving you BITCH
Y: boy get out my room

i get up laughing and i push dejuane out and close the door then even though i know 9/10 they'll probably snitch i talk more shit about dejuane and davine and they laugh and after a while we all stand up including sharan and we go downstairs seeing everyone sitting around looking bored out of their minds and i see davine is back

Y: y'all are lame get up and do something
Kairi: what were y'all doing
Azlynn: mommy was telling us davine is a nasty fugly lady who only sleeps with people because she's really lonely and her baby daddy can't stand the look of her ugly face
Y: umm is anyone hungry
Melissa: them kids gone be just like you
Dejuane: azlynn don't say that mommy is mean that's why she says it
Y: no mommy is nice and all she does is tell it how she sees it
Dejuane: no baby mommy is mean
Davine: yea your mom is a bitch
Y: yea a bitch that knows how to fight so keep talking
Kairi: as you should best friend let's dance
Y: yes come on best friend

we turn on music and i start twerking and kairi gets behind throwing fake money and we do that for a while then i sit down laughing with kairi and tired until someone knocks on the door and i get up opening it

Kobe: we miss you
Vallyk: so
Derek: be
Mike: our friend again
Y: um why
Mike: because we knew you longer than everyone in there
Y: hmm true but doesn't change anything
Kobe: we're sorry y/n we won't do it again now move out the way bitch
Y: fuck you hoe

i start laughing then i let them sleep inside and they sit on the couches

Jale: ooo shit who's that
Kobe: they call me kobe but my hoes call me daddy breezo
Jale: never mind
Kobe: damn i was joking
Angel: who's that though
Mike: sorry i'm taken
Y: yea him and his girlfriend been together for 4 years and haven't broken up since
Melissa: damn must be nice
Y: right
Gabby: well what about that one
Derek: oh shit i'm derek and i'm single so shoot your shot
Y: you're so fucking ugly
Derek: stop cock blocking bitch
Y: mother fucker your face does that enough
Derek: but you dated me before
Y: um chile anyways
Derek: exactly
Y: please suck a dick derek
Derek: you did that to me also
Sharan: oop
Y: yea i hate you
Derek: i love you too bestie
Kairi: um no i'm her bestie
Y: he's right derek
Derek: damn you replaced me
Y: been did that i still love you tho
Derek: sure
Y: baby
Derek: um can i have a hug
Y: of course

i give the boys a hug and since i fucking felt like it i go and give dejuane a hug and he stands up and hugs me back then he slams back down on the couch while still holding me so i fall on him and then he kisses me and i stand up and wipe my lips

Y: this is why i don't hug you when we're not together
Dejuane: um don't wipe my shit away
Y: i just did all because that bitch gave you herpes doesn't mean i want them too
Davine: i don't have no herpes
Y: you got something because you open your legs for any and everything nasty bitch
Azlynn: yay mommy and daddy are together again!!
Y: no the fuck we not sweetie your dad is a fucking what
Dj: hoe
Y: exactly dj you've been listening
Mattia: girl why the fuck you teach them children to say that
Dejuane: that's a damn good question
Y: because i don't lie to my children duh
Dejuane: um don't say that dj mommy is just a dumbass
Y: i could never be dumb bitch
Azlynn: mommy tells us you're the dumb one
Y: ok y'all talk too much how about we take a nap
Sharan: oh yea them kids bad ass hell
Vallyk: well we all see who their mom is so are we surprised
Davine: them damn bèbé kids
Y: oh yea you got me fucked all the way up

i put the kids down and i walk to davine while putting my hair in a bun then right before i get to her kairi jumps in front of me and pushes me back

Y: move kai
Kairi: no y/n she's not worth it
Y: never said she was but doesn't mean i'm not about to beat that ass
Kairi: look at me what if you just go to sleep and forget about this
Y: no because i'll dream about beating her ass it's best to just do it now
Kairi: oh my gosh y/n we all know davine looks like a rag doll with chewed up legs that has been ran through more times than humanly possible but fighting isn't going to help
Davine: um fuck both of y'all but mainly you kairi with your 4'11 bitch ass
Kairi: 5'4 and you know what imma give you what you asking for

kairi moves out the way and by now i start jogging to davine but before i hit her dejuane lifts me up

Y: omg just let me hit her one time just let me knock that bitch jaw loose
Dejuane: y/n no it's really not worth it
Y: but i'll feel so much better
Dejuane: i can do that for you
Y: never mind i don't even wanna fight no more

dejuane let's me down and i grab the kids and walk upstairs and since it's not night yet i just lay in the bed with them and turn on the tv watching cartoons and movies then we go to sleep

dejuane is a perv 😃👍

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