part 141

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while they were laying down y/n had to pee so she squirmed out of the middle of the group and walked to the bathroom once she was done she washed her hands then walked to where the kids were sleeping just make sure they weren't awake and once she saw they were still sleeping she went back in the living room but this time she sat on the couch watching the movie and later kairi got on the couch beside her leaning his head on her shoulder then dejuane scoots back and put his head in between her legs then mattia leans his head on her opposite shoulder so she was getting pretty comfortable that soon she fell asleep while the others were just leaned on her still watching the movie then later dejuane turned around and noticed she was sleep so he told kairi and mattia and they got off her then dejuane picked her up and carried her to the room and laying her on her bed then walking out and laying back down on the floor and soon he also fell asleep until the kids started yelling so y/n woke up and went into the living room seeing monroe sleeping on dejuane and she just shook her head and laughed then she went into the kids room and they started jumping up and down on the bed

Y: calm down cuties
Azlynn: we're ready for our baths
Y: all of you are ready
Blessing: YES
Y: ok come on

y/n takes the kids into the bathroom and they get undressed then sit in the tub as the water rises then when it's enough y/n turns it off and takes her shirt off so it doesn't get wet and she gives them toys and bathes them while they splash water on her then once she finished she dried them off and got them dressed then they ran out the room while y/n dried off the floor and she got up walking back to her room and showering then putting on new clothes and going back into the living room plopping on the couch

Jared: you good??
Y: i'm fine
Smitty: doesn't for girls that mean they aren't really fine
Y: bruh not for all of us i'm good
Diego: you can tell us when something is wrong
Y: good thing nothing is wrong
Mattia: aww bestie what's wrong
Y: y'all are what's wrong right now i said i'm fine as in i'm fine anyways does dejuane know monroe is on him
Ansley: no because he would've told her to get off him
Alejandro: why do you sound so sure
Ansley: huh?? OH i just do it's just a lucky guess
Roshaun: let me mind my business
Y: suddenly i can't hear or see
Kairi: call me john cause i ain't cena thing
Y: haha but fr tho that's suspicious.......that's weird
Mike: can y'all stop that's her best friend
Y: *whisper* with benefits

y/n pov:
we kept making fun of ansley but i saw it was getting to mike so i stop joking about it and i wake everyone up and tell them to put on their shoes and we go to a fair near the hotel and once we got there i stayed with the kids along with mike, kairi, mattia and alejandro and ansley, dejuane, andre, and justin ugly ass went and did their own things and i have no idea what the others were doing but we went to some fair games and we won the kids a few toys then mike won me a bear and we were walking around with the others and laughing then we saw dejuane and ansley making out near the food table and i tried to cover mike so he wouldn't see it but once he moved from me and saw he just threw a ball he won for kj at them then when it hit both of them ansley looked and saw mike looking at them and mike shook his head then walked off and ansley ran after him but he kept yelling at her to leave him alone forever then dejuane looked at me and walked towards

Dejuane: i'm sorry y/n
Y: we aren't together so i don't care who you do what with but that was messed up that you did that to mike
Dejuane: i wasn't thinking
Y: tell that to mike because like i said you're single so whoever you want to be with then do that but make sure next time it's someone who's single

me, alejandro, mattia and kairi along with the kids walk off going to look for mike and once we found him he was near a trash can crying so we picked him up then got an uber and went back to the hotel and while the boys got the kids to bed i pulled mike into my room to talk to him and once we got inside i closed the door then we sat on my bed and i lifted mikes head wiping his tears

Y: talk to me mike
Mike: what more is there to say
Y: just tell me how you feel you know i've been through it so just vent to me
Mike: there's not much to say y/n i gave her four years of my life that i'll never get back and she cheated on my like she couldn't care less if she knew she wanted dejuane than she could've just said that and seeing them makes me wonder how long it's been going on i loved her y/n shit i still do but she cheated right in front of me yea she might've not have known i was right there but that doesn't change the fact that she didn't care that i was at the fair then she tried to feed me a bunch of bullshit like she's sorry and it'll never happen again when it shouldn't have happened in the first place, she was one of the only girls i let in even when i thought i wasn't ready to love again and she made me feel like she was actually the one then after four years she goes behind my back and does this shit like it hurts y/n i planned on marrying her and everything and all she does is go and mess with dejuane like why does every girl want him it's like every time a girl sees dejuane she falls head over heels for him and it's fuck every guy and any guy that ever loved or liked them
Y: not too much because i feel the shade but sometimes people do dumb shit and ansley will realize that when you're no longer there to comfort her or be there for her, come on mike any girl would be extremely lucky to even get a chance with you, you are an amazing guy and your smile is immaculate and you're such a vibe ansley lost a once in a lifetime guy and she's going to know that real soon when she sees you doing so much better with out her but you have to start with that change show her that you don't need her mike because you don't you are fine because none of my friends are ugly and there are plenty of girls that would've killed to have ansley place the way you treated her even made me jealous sometimes so wipe them tears and let's show her you don't need her at all

y/n wiped mikes tears and they stood up about to walk out

Mike: y/n wait

y/n turned around and.........

when's it y/ns pov i'll say "i" but when it's 3rd person pov then i'll put "y/n" yea 😌 AND BIDEN WON BABES 🥳🥳💙💙💙💙💙

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