part 21

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first i wanna say thank you so much!!!!!!! i'm #1 for the dejaune hashtag BRUH THANK YOU GUYS ok on to the story 🥺

                                    ~1 week later~
today was the day we are going to the mountains so we're all done packing thick coats and sweaters and hats and all that good stuff, the people going are me, alvaro, ayaina, hailey, kairi, roshaun, robert, alejandro, mattia and some girl he wanted to invite named vic, we all pack our bags and head to the airport the plan ride is 12 hours long, once we arrive we all sit down and wait for our plane to be called then once it's called we get on the plane and sit down there are 3 seats in a row in the window seat is me in the middle is alvaro and on in the outside is robert
Y: omg i'm so excited
Varo: same i've never been to the mountains
Rob: same it's gonna be so much fun
Y: fr
half of the ride we were just talking and laughing then it was 10pm so they turned off the lights on the plane so people can gts i laid my head on alvaro and fell asleep when i woke up we had 3 more hours and i drooled on alvaros shirt but his head was on top of mine and he was still asleep so i just stayed still and went to sleep again when i woke up again we now had 1 hour
Y: sorry for drooling on your shirt
Varo: it's fine i can change it when we land
Y: oh ok
for the last hour i ate and recorded videos of me and alvaro and robert then we finally landed
Vic: finally my legs hurt
🦖: hop on my back
vic got on mattias back and we all just looked at them like wtf and ayaina looked sad and alejandro looked mad
Y: what's wrong ale??
Ale: she's my ex and now she's with mattia bruh
Y: i'm sorry wanna hang with me and alvaro today?
Ale: please
Y: alright come on
i grab ales hand and run to alvaro
Varo: what's up
Y: ale is upset that vic is dating mattia so he's hanging with us today
Varo: alright let's go
we all call an uber and me, alvaro, and alejandro are in one vic, mattia, and robert in one ayaina, hailey, and kai in one along with roshaun once we get to the hotel it's just so beautiful we walk in and pick rooms ofc i'm in one with alvaro and alejandro, mattia and vic, roshaun and hailey, ayaina and robert along with kai we put our stuff down then while alejandro is on his phone on the bed i go to the balcony and alvaro comes with me
Y: the view is beautiful
Varo: just like you
Y: lol thank you
Varo: i'm serious y/n you're so beautiful you're one of the prettiest girls i've ever seen in my whole life and i will do whatever it takes to make you mine
Y: awww thank you alvaro
Varo: so what do you say
Y: what do you mean
Varo: will you be my girl
Y: idk i'm still in love with dejuane
Varo: i know but i'll help you get over him
Y: can i think about it
Varo: you can do whatever you want
Y: thank you
we go back inside and alejandro gets off his phone and we talk about things to do while we're down here, we don't plan on hanging out with mattia and vic at all so they're gonna have to do their own things  we decided we could go to a lake and swim or go to the beach at night and play volleyball after discussing possible things to do we called everyone besides mattia and vic to our room
Kai: what's up (i got tired of putting the snowman)
Y: y'all wanna go swimming then to the beach at night
Ay: i'm done
Hai: same here
Ro: when tho
Rob: fr because i wanna take a nap
Y: ok we'll leave in an hour so y'all can eat and sleep or whatever
Hai: alright
they all left out while i went to my suitcase to find a swimsuit i found one and laid it on the bed and asked alejandro and alvaro if they like it they said yes so i decided that it's the one i'll wear

                                    ~1 week later~today was the day we are going to the mountains so we're all done packing thick coats and sweaters and hats and all that good stuff, the people going are me, alvaro, ayaina, hailey, kairi, roshaun,...

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