part 144

502 16 10

everyone decided they wanted to stay in the hotel today which could go incredibly right or incredibly wrong so after me and mike got ready for the day we went into the kitchen with everyone else and no one talked so the tension was pretty high then we all went into the living room watching movies and the whole time dejuane and ansley were making out which was really starting to piss me off so i started shaking my leg and kairis head was there so he looked at me and i whispered that i was sorry and i shook my other one instead then i got up and went into the kitchen grabbing some grapes and while i was in the kitchen bent over to find a bowl to put them in i felt someone looking at me so i get the bowl then stand up seeing dejuane so i ignore him and put the grapes in the bowl and as soon as i'm about to walk out dejuane grabs my wrist and spins me around to him then takes the grapes out of my hand and puts them on the counter then he gets his hand and pushes it on my back so now we have no space between us and he lifts my chin so i'm staring at him which i hate because he knows it's my weakness it's like i always melt in his touch but after he lifts my chin he licks his lips and smirks then he gives me a slow kiss and when he pulls away he lets go of me and leans on the counter

Dejuane: just wanted to see if you still missed me
Y: i don't
Dejuane: not what your body is saying
Y: whatever

i walk out with my grapes and sit on the couch and later dejuane comes out and sit back next to ansley winking and smirking at me so i roll my eyes and pay attention to the movie again after a while we start a new movie and i feel someone rubbing my thigh and since kairi was laying there i think it's him so i don't pay attention to it until he started massaging my thigh so i look at him confused but i see he's sleep so i look the hand and once i notice who's it is i smack it and give them a death stare and the movie goes on without him messing with me again until kairi gives me a hug then goes in his room to go to sleep in there, the day goes on and it's around 10:30pm now and the only ones in the living room is me and dejuane so i get up about to walk out but dejuane put his hand on my shoulder and makes me sit back down then he grabs my thighs and sits them on his lap as he caresses them

Y: you're pretty damn handsy for someone who's with someone else
Dejuane: i wouldn't say i'm with her
Y: well i would so what do you want you've been touching me all day but then all up on ansley right after
Dejuane: just wanted to see if i could have you if i wanted to
Y: well you can't because i'm not a toy you can use whenever you feel like it dejuane
Dejuane: why not
Y: oh yea you got me fucked up

i stand up about to go in the room until he stands in front of me

Y: dejuane move
Dejuane: why do you act like you don't want me
Y: chile get out my way
Dejuane: i'm serious
Y: did you the shit you told me when we were on the couch or am i just slow
Dejuane: it's always a 50/50 thing with you
Y: i'm serious dejuane you basically just told me that i'm only a toy to you
Dejuane: i didn't mean it exactly like that
Y: what do you mean you didn't mean it exactly like that so you're telling me you sorta meant it like that but also not like that
Dejuane: sorta yea
Y: yea just stay with ansley because it's a hell no for me

i push dejuane to the side and walk off but before i walk in the room dejuane kisses my neck then hits my butt so i turn around and shoot him a bird then i wipe my neck and go in my room and lay on my bed and after sitting there obviously pissed off i get in the shower and sing some of rod wave songs then as i'm about to get out someone comes in the shower with me and i think it's mike so i continue then i turn off the water and turn around then after i see who it is i get out and put my towel on then go back into the room sitting on my bed

Y: at this point i don't think you understand fucking english
Dejuane: i do but maybe i just don't care
Y: well i do and i told you i refuse to be a fucking toy now get out before you give people the wrong impression
Dejuane: what's wrong with that
Y: get out before i scream
Dejuane: you won't
Y: you right i won't but i can leave out
Dejuane: you aren't doing that either
Y: actually i think i am

i get up and grab the handle but dejuane gets in front of me and locks the door and i keep backing up until i fall on the bed and he drops his towel

Y: you asked for it
Dejuane: for what

dejuane rolls his eyes then gets dressed and walks out of my room and i get up and put on my pajamas and get under my covers then kairi, mattia, and alejandro walk in asking what's wrong so i told them and they shook their heads then laid in bed with me

Mattia: he has to be dumb
Kairi: for real tho
Y: exactly he basically told me he wanted me to be his toy and he thought i would say yes
Alejandro: he's just a dumb ass
Y: i know that by now because that was the dumbest shit i've ever heard in my life
Kairi: well i'm sleeping in here tonight
Mattia: same
Alejandro: don't worry y/n we'll be your guards from dejuane the pervert
Y: i can't stand you guys but thanks i guess
Mattia: anytime

i laugh at them then they all squeeze me in between them all and i go to sleep along with kairi while mattia and alejandro stay up doing whatever they wanted

i'm hungry 😔

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