part 150

511 16 11

after a while we all got tired so we got up walking to our rooms and laid down in bed and started to go to sleep we all slept in the same room so we were all on each other then once everyone was sleep and i was up by myself taking videos of them then  the doorbell rings so i go downstairs and answer the door and when i do it's the group

Y: what's up
Sora: dejuane wanted us to get the kids so they can go to his house for a while
Y: oh ok that's fine you're gonna have to wake them up tho because they are sleeping
Cherry: how are you
Y: definitely way better but like i said they are sleeping so wake them up but still be quite because the others are sleeping also

as i was talking to them about making sure they are quite kobe come downstairs and wraps his arms around my shoulders while rubbing his eyes

Kobe: what are they doing here
Y: getting the kids so they can stay with dejuane for a little
Kobe: are they getting blessing and kj
Cherry: yea if that's ok
Kobe: that's fine
Jared: so are y'all a thing now
Y: sorta you could say
Jared: ok ok

we kept talking to them like we were meeting for only the second time then once the kids were packed i gave them all a kiss then they walked out with their bags and me and kobe went back upstairs laying down with the others and we fell asleep then once we woke back up and got ready for the day i went downstairs with kobe and i took some pictures for him then he posted it on instagram

we kept talking to them like we were meeting for only the second time then once the kids were packed i gave them all a kiss then they walked out with their bags and me and kobe went back upstairs laying down with the others and we fell asleep then...

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kbreezo: love me for my differences 🥰💞
liked by y/ and 2300000 others

y/ shittt i'm simping ❤️🤤
kbreezo: makes two of us 😩😍^^
cherrychy: ok kobe come through
jaredjones: applauding you from afar
sharan: ew
kbreezo: hater^^
y/ shit i had to comment twice😖😫
kbreezo: damn i got to be doing something right 😏^
random: i ship y/n and kobe 🤭
*load 26000 more comments*

after that we sat down eating and talking and really just getting over the day before yesterday which wasn't really bothering me anymore because i took what kairi said and i'm going to go by that because i hate trying to change due to other peoples standards but i just feel like with kobe and everyone else i can be myself because they took the time to know the real me and love that part of me and i'll always love them no matter what they make me smile so wide to the point where i feel like i can't stop and that's the type of family you hold on to no matter what happens but as we were talking and laughing the others wanted to swim so we put our bathing sits on and went downstairs getting into the water and swimming around and after a while me and kobe swam to the side and i sat down on his lap facing him messing with his hair

Kobe: enjoying today
Y: yes i am today has been amazing
Kobe: i'm glad to know you are feeling better
Y: i wouldn't have been able to do that without y'all
Kobe: we're here for you anytime you need us you know that right
Y: i know thank you

i cup kobe's face and kiss him over and over again then he wraps his arms around my back and we make out until someone grabs my shoulders and throw both of us in the water then when we swam back up we shook our hair

Kairi: that's what y'all get
Y: you are so fucking dead kairi
Vallyk: in his defense no one wanted to see that
Y: oh yea all of you are dead
Kobe: i'm helping

we swim around chasing the others and dragging them under the water then laughing and after a while we all got out and all shower then we get dressed and sit back on the couch like yesterday watching movies and eating snacks

short chapter but i found a guy that's goes by the name Kobe and he's lightskin AND SO FUCKING SWEET IM SIMPING HARD ASF

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