after just being up and watching youtube i got bored so i got up going into the kitchen and sitting on the counter with my legs crossed and making tiktoks and just humming to myself then gabby came in later standing in front me with a panicked look on her faceGabby: i don't know what to do y/n
Y: what's wrong babes
Gabby: everything y/n fucking everything is wrong i messed up and it's not going to be ok it'll never be ok omg what am i going to do i'm fucked
Y: what's wrong gabby i can't help if you don't tell me
Gabby: i'm pregnant by kairi
Y: what?!
Gabby: i know i fucked up i don't know what to do we aren't even dating and i'm about to have his baby oh my gosh my life is a mess what if i end up like you no offense
Y: um all offense taken but you'll be fine gabby you'll be an amazing mom
Gabby: i'm not ready y/n what if i'm not as good as you are
Y: you will be you might even be better than me but gabby you and this baby are going to great things together and i know right now you have a million thoughts going through your head on what to do but if you decide you don't want it then i'll take care of it until you want to but no matter what you decide i'll be right here because i know the most of how hard it is i've raised the kids by myself sometimes and other times i had help from dejuane and the others you just have to surround yourself with people who will be willing to help which is everyone in this house
Gabby: i'm keeping it but will even kairi help
Y: especially kairi and i bet he would run circles because of how happy he will be
Gabby: thank you so much y/n and i know this won't be easy but i'll have all you guys to help me
Y: and you always will babesi give gabby a hug then once we pull apart we turn around seeing kairi crying tears of joy and he runs and carefully picks up gabby spinning her around while they laugh then once he put her down he asked her to be his girlfriend and obviously she said yes then they kissed while i fake gagged and kairi flicked me off while still kissing her so i just laughed and hopped off the counter going into the living and laying back on dejuane and after i got to sleep it felt like i blinked and it was morning again so extremely exhausted i got up still in my pajamas with a messy bun hanging on for dear life with hairs sticking out everywhere and put on my slippers and got my keys walking out the door and going to dejuanes mom house anyways once i got there the kids ran to the car and i talked to dejuanes parents for a while until i gave them a hug and waved bye getting in the car and driving to sonic to get them something to eat then i went to starbucks getting me a pink drink and a breakfast sandwich and i went back to the house walking as slow as possible while the kids ran inside playing with everyone else and i plopped on the floor with dj while he showed me his drawings
Dj: mommy open you eyes or you won't be able to fully see them
Y: i'm looking baby they aren't that cute
Dj: but i tried hard
Y: mmm try harder and i'll hang one on the refrigerator
Dj: you promise??
Y: i promise
Dj: ok i'm going to make the best one you've ever seen
Y: ok you got this babyy/n got djs art supplies along with his paints and art mat and she laid the art mat on the floor so he doesn't spill anything on the carpet then she set all of his art things on top along with paper then dj started taking his time drawing while adding a bunch of colors and paint and oil pastels he was having fun also while y/n was slowly drinking her drink and eating while trying to stay awake then when she was about to fall back dejuane caught her head and he sat on the floor with her laying her head on his lap
Y: my hero
Dejuane: maybe you should go to sleep
Y: yea i'm going to do that so stay right here ok
Dejuane: i will y/n now go to sleep
Y: mmmkay don't you dare move
Dejuane: oh my Goddejuane closes y/ns eyes and a few minutes later she was snoring while the others laughed at her and she was facing the ceiling with drool pouring out of her mouth so the others pulled out their phones recording her and posting her on their snaps and instagram stories then while she slept everyone else watched dj draw his picture and once he finished kairi picked it up laying it on the counter so it could dry while dejuane picked y/n up carrying her upstairs and laying her down on the bed and he kissed her forehead and was about to walk out until dj and azlynn ran in laying down and cuddling with her so dejuane laughed and kissed their heads also then he turned on a movie for them and turned off the lights then walked out closing the door and walking downstairs but after a while kairi and gabby stood in the middle of every one telling them the news about gabby and some of them fake gagged and gabby laughed while mattia, alejandro, mike, derek, and vallyk got up jumping up and down with kairi and yelling while ruffling his hair and gabby was sitting with the girls talking about possible names then after a while dejuane went home while the others went to their rooms and fell asleep again
i'm going to rereread my story so goodnight 😋✨also i decided to put DJ instead of Dj nvm i changed it back 🙄
Why am I never enough??
Fanficwhat happens when you finally get your long time crush....Dejuane Mccoy