part 115

585 18 11

~2 weeks later~

today is the day i get out the hospital and i haven't seen dejuane since the day kairi first came which really didn't faze me because mattia, alvaro, roshaun and alejandro and stayed with me everyday but while we were laying in the bed talking and laughing the nurse came and pulled my IV out then put a cotton ball on the spot and laid a bandaid on top of it then i signed my release forms then she walked off to go get my prescription papers and while she did that i went back to talking to the group then since i could finally walk around with full range i got up started play fighting kairi for all that shit he was talking and while i was on top of him acting like i was pulling his hair as the group yelled then the others came but i ignored them and continued messing with kairi then he flipped us over and started acting like he was punching my face and i was kicking my feet and laughing trying to get from under him

??: can i join??

me and kairi stop then he turns around and i sit up then when i see who it is with all my force i push kairi off of me and i go and give the person a HUGE hug and i jump up and down

Y: bro i thought you changed your mind or something
Chris: i could never
Y: omg who all did you come with chris
Chris: oh i brought quavo, giveon, offset and drake
Y: ok i could see you and quavo, and drake but giveon, and offset that's so odd
Giveon: my feelings hurt
Y: oh shit my bad but i love your music i just didn't expect it you know
Giveon: yea for sure i get it
Quavo: what's up y/n
Y: wait you know my name
Quavo: shit i would hope so since we're staying with you for a while
Y: oh shit true
Offset: so i'm not here
Y: boy shut the fuck up i was getting to you
Offset: um who she talking to
Kairi: definitely you
Chris: who's the short one
Y: since there's two and i don't know which one you talking about the one that just spoke was kairi and the other is alvaro
Alvaro: bitch you knew he was talking about kairi
Y: um suck my dick
Quavo: you sure are feisty to be so short
Y: umm bitch because these hands do the talking
Chris: how's your stitches
Y: oh they're fully healed now it's just a little sore but other than that i'm still me babes
Cherry: the kids were asking about you
Y: why didn't you bring them??
Offset: kids
Y: yea i have 2 that are mine and 2 that i adopted basically
Kobe: but i'm there dad
Giveon: then who's the dad of the other 2
Dejuane: that would be me
Y: where the fuck have you been
Dejuane: i was babysitting my brother because my mom had something to do
Y: what was that
Dejuane: i'll tell you in private
Y: um ok well is she alright
Dejuane: from what i know yea
Y: um ok we'll talk later then
Dejuane: yea for sure
Chris: oh so this is him
Y: yea
Offset: oh
Dejuane: what you mean oh
Offset: all i said was oh is he always like this
Y: it's definitely a 50/50 thing with him
Giveon: anyways how you get in here
Y: i got stabbed in my side
Quavo: damn how
Y: nun serious
Kairi: um bitch don't lie dejuane was getting abused by some bitch so y/n broke her arm then she went and got her gun smiling like a fucking psycho then the girl ran outside so y/n followed her then the girl got all in y/ns face then stabbed her in the side so before y/n fell she shot her in the head
Y: shut the fuck up don't yell that shit out loud and actually i have 2 and 1 that happened before i met everyone and kairi learn to shut the fuck up
Kairi: um bitch you the one lying
Y: um bitch i'll fight you
Kairi: you don't want these problems you were losing before chris came
Y: who asked bitch i would've won though
Nia: um excuse the fuck out of us but how the hell do you know CHRIS BROWN
Y: i met him at one of his concerts a while ago
Larray: so y'all just on a first name basis
Chris: y/n my lil homie
Y: um i'm not little
Kairi: yes you are tot
Y: bubs i will fuck you up
Mattia: nah we gone jump you
Y: nugget you couldn't jump no one soft ass
Alvaro: nah you getting off on my boys
Y: bubba i'll break your neck
Roshaun: say ong
Y: ong jelly bean i'll fuck all y'all up
Alejandro: imma help y/n
Y: i love my hubby more than you hoes
Mike: wait why the fuck don't we have nicknames
Derek: ong
Dejuane: speak for yourselves my nickname daddy
Y: bitch don't play with me
Dejuane: i don't play games sweetie and you know this
Y: dejuane i will drag you
Dejuane: bitch you could never touch me
Y: imma suffocate your ass with a pillow
Dejuane: and imma haunt your dumbass
Y: your face already does that every time i close my eyes
Dejuane: bitch
Offset: oh yea she's definitely feisty
Chris: for sure

we continue talking and playing and i explain to the group why they don't have nicknames which was me just saying "cause fuck y'all" then the nurse came and gave me my prescription papers and me and kairi decided to ride with chris and the others while the group went home which ever way they came then once we get to the house i take them to a room and they go in then me and kairi help them get situated then we plan on going out to eat but it'll just be me, kairi, alejandro, mattia, alvaro, quavo, chris, and offset because giveon and roshaun were going bowling anyways once i finished helping them i went upstairs and showered then once i got out i brushed my teeth the chewed some gum while putting on a tight fitted red dress and black heels then i walked down the stairs

Chris: damn i see you
Y: haha you see me
Derek: where y'all going
Y: out to eat
Derek: can we come
Y: no
Derek: why not
Y: because no anyways have fun bye

then we walk out the house and get in the car and we pull up to the restaurant and sit down eating and laughing and just talking and times i was smiling i would look next to me and chris would be staring at me but ignored it and continued talking to everyone and laughing then after hours of talking, eating and playing we got in the car going home and kairi went to his room and everyone else went to theirs but i went in the backyard swinging my feet in the water then chris joined me and we talked some more then i told him bye and i went inside with my heels in my hand and walked in my room showering again and brushing my teeth and hair then putting on my pajamas and getting into bed while watching movies then a few minutes later dejuane walked in looking upset and crying then he sat down on the edge of my bed

Y: hey it's ok but what's wrong with you
Dejuane: did you forget i wanted to talk to you
Y: oh i'm sorry what's up
Dejuane: are you really??
Y: yea i am i forgot
Dejuane: or maybe you didn't care because you had chris all in your face
Y: is this about jealousy
Dejuane: no it's about my mom having breast cancer and me not knowing if she's gonna make it but you couldn't give 2 fucks because you all up on chris
Y: i'm so sorry i didn't know if i knew i would've been here comforting you and you know i would but i really didn't know because you didn't tell me
Dejuane: that's why i wanted to talk to you in private later because i wanted to fucking tell you!!!
Y: ok and i'm sorry like i just said i didn't know
Dejuane: well maybe if you have gave fuck about anybody but yourself you would've asked!!

then dejuane walks out and i get up locking my door then laying on my bed crying due to all the guilt that i felt

yup 🤭 i lowkey wanna write another book so i'd be writing 2 books at the same time but about different people like this one is about dejuane so the next would probably be about kobe what y'all think???

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