part 170

497 17 9

we got done looking at the pictures individually and talking about them so i carefully lifted the folds and put the box back together and set it on the dresser then me and the kids got up walking downstairs and going into dejuanes movie room not seeing anyone in there and sitting down turning on a movie

Dejuane: i was watching something
Y: oh i didn't know anyone was in here but we can go somewhere else
Dejuane: no it's fine i'll just watch it somewhere else
Y: why don't you watch this one with us
Dejuane: you sure
Y: yea come on
Azlynn: yea come on let's have a movie day
Dejuane: haha movie day it is hold on then

dejuane leaves out while i turn up the volume then he came back in with a big blanket and snacks and he lays down on the couch and i lay in between his legs with my head on his chest and azlynn and dj lay on my stomach and we're all just laying there talking and watching then dejuane took a picture of us posting it on his snapchat so i took his phone, powered it off, and put it in my bra

Dejuane: i can just reach and grab it
Y: no it's movie day as in no phones
Dejuane: can't i just hold it
Y: no now watch the movie
Dejuane: fine

a few hours past and we're now watching movie #2 and dejuane snatches his phone out my bra while i laugh then he gets back on his phone while the kids fall asleep and i get up putting them to bed then i go back downstairs and lay on top of dejuane and as i'm about to fall asleep from dejuane messaging my head someone opens the door letting the light in and walks in front of the screen

Lucianna: why is she laying on you
Dejuane: we were having a family night with the kids and she came and laid on me because she's tired why do you care
Lucianna: because if you want something with me then you shouldn't let other girls lay on you
Dejuane: it's only y/n it's not like it's a stranger
Lucianna: yea your ex and the girl that doesn't like me
Dejuane: what do you expect you used all of us for fame and then just recently came back into our lives after you got everyone to turn against her
Lucianna: so why even talk to me again if you're going to be all on her
Dejuane: we can talk about this tomorrow but i'm not doing it right now
Lucianna: either get up and come in the room so we can talk now or stay with her and lose me

dejuane stayed on the couch and lucianna shook her head walking out the door and i looked up at dejuane seeing him just looking at the movie

Y: you good??
Dejuane: i'm fine let's just watch the movie

i could tell dejuane wasn't fine but from past experiences i just decided to leave him alone and continue watching the movie but once it was over i got up grabbing the trash and i bent over putting on my slippers then i stood up walking out and going into the kitchen

Lucianna: finally done cuddling with my man
Y: actually yes
Lucianna: listen hear y/n all because your relationship with dejuane didn't work doesn't mean you have to make everyone else's with him mess up
Y: i'm not messing y'all relationship up all i did was lay on him and if he didn't see a problem why do you
Lucianna: your his ex so you shouldn't lay on him knowing the history y'all have
Y: i didn't even think about him like that when i was laying on him
Lucianna: it doesn't matter if you want me to respect you then you need to give me some in return
Y: i'll respect you when you deserve it
Lucianna: how could i possibly not deserve
Y: you used all of my friends for fame and you come back and just force yourself into dejuanes life knowing he's always around everyone else so now we have to always have you in our faces acting like we like you or even care that you're here
Lucianna: so if i left no one would care
Y: no none of us would yea dejuane might but you left once so what's the difference about doing it twice
Lucianna: i don't care you can't get rid of me this easily y/n
Y: you're your own enemy lucianna i don't care what you and dejuane have if you make him happy and your what he wants then i'm fine with that but don't come back just to play him because i won't let that happen
Lucianna: you won't even try and get close with me
Y: and i never will because i saw how you did everyone else and i won't have you making me look like a clown so you do you and imma do me just make sure you aren't in my space

i throw my trash away and walk off going into dejuanes room and laying down in bed with the kids while playing music on the tv and falling alseep although i wasn't tired i just didn't want to deal with luciannas shit anymore but when i woke out of my sleep it was around 4:00am and i woke up to someone beside me so i put my flashlight on low and shine it on them and i see dejuane which gave me some relief because it would've been scary if it was someone else but once i saw him i shook him awake

Y: why are you in here
Dejuane: lucianna is bullshittin and i don't have time for it
Y: oh that's fine i was just checking
Dejuane: she keeps talking about me and you and it's pissing me off
Y: haha it's the fact that she's arguing about us and you decide it's best to come and sleep with me
Dejuane: i didn't even think about that
Y: it's fine though i couldn't care less about what she has to say
Dejuane: well then stop waking me up
Y: chile i just woke you up to figure out why you crept in here like a weirdo
Dejuane: i didn't creep in here i actually hit my head on the door and i thought i woke y'all up
Y: you're a dumb ass you know that right
Dejuane: go to sleep before i kill you i love you though
Y: i'll gladly go back to sleep and i love you too

after that i laughed and went back to sleep with dejuane behind me

chile why am i simping for one of my guy friends that thinks i hate him 🤭👩🏾‍🦯

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