part 194

430 13 13

they finished making the food but they didn't make the ham because everyone preferred that to be hot but they started the turkey since it takes nearly 13 hours to get ready then they went into their own rooms putting on pajamas and laying down but while y/n was in her room she sat on the bed taking off her bra and putting on shorts then she laid down turning off the tv and laying down with her face shoved in her pillow then she felt the spot next to her sink in and she saw dejuane with only shorts on and his curls wet dripping on him

Y: get off before you make my bed wet dumb ass
Dejuane: no i'm sleeping in here
Y: no you aren't so move
Dejuane: i am so shut up

y/n rolled her eyes laying down but dejuane kept messing with her so she got up hitting his head

Dejuane: ma'am i can see your tits
Y: not like you haven't seen them before now leave me alone and get out i'm tired
Dejuane: well it's not like i haven't touched them before so i can i do that too
Y: no now leave me alone weirdo i'm going to sleep and if you mess with me i will slap you
Dejuane: let me touch it and i'll leave
Y: boy no get the fuck out my face

y/n rolled her eyes laying back down while dejuane massaged her back and she kept moving to get away from him and soon she fell off that bed once she hit the ground she started laughing along with dejuane but after a while she sprung off the ground back into the bed hitting dejuane then she got under the cover again going to sleep but once she woke up she got in the shower singing and dancing then once she got out she saw dejuane standing in the door frame dancing along

Y: haha get out boy
Dejuane: i was jus tryna vibe
Y: we can vibe after i get ready now leave
Dejuane: you finna give me some love
Y: no the fuck now leave i already gotta see all these bitches today
Dejuane: well while you get dressed i'm about to shower so do you
Y: gladly

while dejuane showered y/n got dressed then she went downstairs finishing all the food then laying it on the table and talking to the others everyone had on dresses and the boys were dressed nice but instead of a dress y/n had her curls draped on her shoulders with a two piece short blue dress and black heels with silver hoops anyways while they were talking someone knocked so y/n got up opening the door and it was chris and his group so she hugged them then luis and his group came then nique, king, kaiser, lucianna, davine, celia, heather, cat, and corey came but when corey walked in y/n slapped the shit out of him then she went and sat on the couch again this time next to dejuane who was finally downstairs

Y: well happy thanksgiving everyone
Azlynn: can we eat now
Y: sure one sec

y/n got up ushering everyone in the kitchen and while they made their plates she made all the kids including kaiser and she sat it down at the kids table and while they sat over there eating and playing all the others sat at the regular table and after debating with herself y/n sat down also and they prayed together then while they ate y/n got on her phone texting her dad seeing if he was coming

Cat: nice to meet all of you
Celia: nice to meet you too
Heather: long time no see dejuane
Dejuane: yup
Kairi: so how's everyone been
Luis: chilling
Corey: uhh i've been good
Kairi: haha wasn't talking about you but ok
Mattia: um how y'all like the weather
Giveon: a lil chilly but nun we can't handle
Y: oh my gosh this is awkward as fuck
Sharan: finally someone said it
Davine: well then speak it's not that hard
Y: and shutting the fuck up isn't that hard either bitch
Davine: who gone make me
Y: actually i can if i break your fucking neck
Ballo: not on thanksgiving
Davine: i want you to try and touch me
Y: i won't have to try you dirty trashy whore
Dejuane: alright y/n it's ok ignore them
Corey: so y'all are a thing again
Y: why don't you mind your fucking business you two timing dirty bastard
Dejuane: maybe you should go back to sleep
Cat: how is he the dirty bastard but you slept with him
Y: bitch who the fuck was talking to you didn't he cheat on you for 8 months without you knowing and you still took him back apparently so don't come in here with none of that shit
Cat: doesn't mean you didn't spread your legs for him
Y: bitch i will shove my foot so far up your mother fucking ass that it'll come out your mouth say one more thing
Cat: one more thing

y/n got up and punched cat in the face but before she did anything else dejuane picked her up placing her back in her chair while cat held her nose yelling at y/n and she was yelling back until dejuane covered her mouth and she just flicked cat off and went back to texting her dad

Kay: the tea is hot
Devyn: boiling
Corey: cat's nose is bleeding can i give her a tissue
Y: let that bitch bleed out
Davine: i've been here multiple times in dejuane bedroom so i'll take you to his bathroom
Y: ok bitches wanna talk slick today can one you of you please try some cause i got time today
Davine: anyways come on cat
Y: bi- you know what

davine got up with cat and started walking off then y/n tried getting up but dejuane pushed her shoulder down so she just sat back down and after a while cat and davine came back downstairs then there was a knock on the door and it was y/ns dad and his new wife so y/n got up hugging them and talking then they sat back at the table after a while there was another knock and since everyone was there they were confused on who that could be so josh got up opening the door and he stood there shocked

Y: who is it
Mom: i missed you my precious baby


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