part 163

445 15 5

once i woke up i showered in mattias room and i got dressed but i couldn't do my morning routine because all of my stuff was in the room so i got my keys and go to dejuanes house since i had a few things over there so once i got there i knocked and he let me while i went up his stairs and in his bathroom getting ready then once i finished i sat on his bed just on my phone

Dejuane: so what made you come over
Y: i don't feel like looking at kobe right now
Dejuane: why what he do
Y: i asked him what him and tatyana were talking about outside for nearly an hour and he refuses to tell me
Dejuane: maybe he's not comfortable
Y: but that's the thing dejuane he tells me everything wether he comfortable or not but for some reason he's keeping secrets now and it's pissing me off
Dejuane: have you tried talking to him
Y: yes and it ended up with him yelling at me
Dejuane: maybe give him space until he's ready to tell you
Y: how would i give him "space" and we live in the same house
Dejuane: you are welcome to come over here whenever
Y: thank you dejuane

i give dejuane a hug then we sit there and talk for a few hours and i play with the kids then i wave bye and i get in my car going back home and i walked through the door and sat on the couch next to angel and jale

Angel: girl you smell good
Y: um thanks i guess
Jale: no you really do it's like an expensive smell
Y: alright
Mattia: let me smell

mattia came to me and smelled me while i looked around confused and a little weirded out that they were smelling me then he sat down back on the couch and start rambling his big ass mouth

Mattia: you smell like dejuane
Kairi: why the fuck would you say that out loud
Kobe: you went over there
Y: .....yea
Kobe: you've got to be kidding me are you cheating
Y: what no i went over there to get ready
Kobe: you have a whole bathroom in the room
Y: i didn't want to talk to you and i had stuff at dejuanes house so it didn't matter
Kobe: so he lies on your name and you forgive him and now you go to house because "you didn't want to talk to me"
Y: that's exactly why i went over there and i know he lied but no one believed it anyway yea it would be a different if he ruined my name but he didn't and apparently you forgave tatyana or you would tell me what y'all were talking about
Kobe: are you really still on this at least i didn't go to her house for hours
Y: why does it matter who's house i go to
Kobe: it doesn't but it does matter when that persons house is your fucking ex and not only that but y'all were also married and you have 2 of his kids
Y: ok and i said i only went over there to get ready so what's the big deal
Kobe: the big deal is why are you doing shit that if i did you would throw a fit over
Y: if you went to your ex house to get ready because you were mad at me for keeping secrets then no i wouldn't be mad
Kobe: bro i'm not fucking keeping secrets you're just mad that i'm not telling you something you're acting like you have to know about everything i do and say
Y: because we are in a relationship so if i'm putting in work to make it work then you have to do the same a relationship is a 50/50 thing kobe so yea if i feel like you are lying to me and not putting in work then i'm going to call you out for it
Kobe: if anything i'm putting in the most work and i'm not the one coming home smelling like other people and my ex at that
Y: i fucking hugged him so of course i'm going to smell like him but you're making it seem like i fucking cheated
Kobe: you're in a relationship with me so why are you hugging other people
Y: stop saying other people because we all know you really want to say dejuane so just say it kobe
Kobe: alright why the fuck are you going to house and hugging him because if it was me you'd be beyond pissed and you'd probably hit me again
Y: i fucking slapped you because you were pissing me off stop making it seem like more than it is and i went to his house because you act like we keep secrets now so i'm just keeping the same fucking energy
Kobe: what energy could i possibly be keeping that makes you want to go to dejuanes house so back
Y: omg this shit is getting fucking ridiculous no matter what i say it's like it's going over your head
Kobe: what's going over your head is that even if you were mad at me you shouldn't go to dejuanes house and hug all up on him
Y: it was a fucking 3 second hug and he was giving me advice for your dumb ass and stop making it seem like i just went to his house to sleep with him or something
Kobe: it doesn't matter how long the hug was and don't go to no other niggas house and tell our business because our relationship is ours not anyone else's that you need advice from
Y: ok i get that but don't sit here and tell me what i can and can't do when you doing snake ass shit too so boy watch who the fuck you're talking to
Kobe: what snake ass shit y/n literally all i did was not tell you one thing and you're acting like hell just froze get over if i don't want to tell you then i just don't so drop it
Y: ok then don't be mad when i ask other people for advice
Kobe: what could you possibly need advice for when all i'm doing is not telling you one thing
Y: advice on what to besides break up with you
Kobe: because i'm not telling you something that's a reason to break up that shit sounds so dumb y/n
Y: what's dumb is you not being able to just tell me what y'all were talking about but if it's that's big of a deal that you have to keep it a secret then do that but don't be mad when i start doing the same thing
Kobe: this shit is such a dumb reason to be arguing right now but ok y/n then do it keep secrets from me and all you're going to be doing is destroying our relationship
Y: omg are you fucking kidding me what do you think you're doing
Kobe: all i'm doing is not telling you something
Y: what do you think a fucking secret is kobe so maybe take your own advice and see you are the one messing up the relationship by not putting your all into it and not having honesty
Kobe: drop it y/n i'm not telling you
Y: ok keep it that way and you can sleep somewhere until you're ready to tell me because i refuse to even be in the same room as you

while y/n walks up the stairs kobe plops on the couch throwing his head back while kairi smacks the back of mattias head and starts yelling at him while the others agreed then after a while kobe went to his old room and went to sleep and soon everyone was sleep in the house while y/n was up watching tv pissed off

good afternoon 🥰

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