part 138

486 16 3

                                *2 months later*
y/n pov:
dejuane was out of rehab and since then he's bought his own house with just himself in and he's been spending way more time with the kids but he also comes and see me 5 times a week the other 2 days in the week he does whatever it is he does and kobe sees me every day which is cool but he acts so weird around me and the others have been pretty distant like when i come around they don't talk that much but it's fine anyways today we're all going on a trip to six flags over texas in arlington texas so i was packing me and the kids stuff and the girls were packing there's then dejuane came with his stuff already in the van we rented

Dejuane: why are taking so long ma'am
Y: well i'm packing 3 bags smart alec so if you want to help then be my guest
Dejuane: omg move over

dejuane helps me finish packing but he packs my bag for some reason and i pack the kids then once we finish i put a few more things in a bag that i might need then we go downstairs with the girls and load our bags into the car then i put the kids car seats in the car and got them buckled in, once everything we went to the groups house and got them (shit this is about to be a lot of people imma have to remember) after everyone made room in the van we drove to the airport then looked like a big white family trying to get everyone out of the van and counted for lol but once we made sure everyone was together we all held hands and walked to get our bags checked then we boarded our flight and i was next to kobe and the kids

Kobe: are you excited
Y: yes!! i really need a vacation
Kobe: same these past months been rough
Y: tell me about it

i put on my neck pillow and throw my head back putting in my airpods and turning my music up then falling asleep but once i woke up we were landing so i turn my music down and pick up the kids and kobe gets blessing and kj then we walk off the plane with the others going to baggage claim after getting our bags we got a party bus to take us to the hotel so i put azlynn in my lap and dejuane put dj in his and he sat next to me while kobe sat in front of me and me and dejuane were talking and i couldn't hear him so i move closer to him and now he's whispering jokes in my ear so i smile and giggle then i move back to my spot and i see kobe looking annoyed and i try to get his attention but he ignores me and turns his head to the side talking to lexi and i just shrug it off and go back to talking to dejuane until we made it to the hotel and we got out and went into the hotel getting checked in but after that we go to our room and once we go in there's enough rooms for everyone to have there own so i pick a room for me and the kids and set our stuff down then we lay on the bed and later dejuane joins us and we sit around playing and laughing then the kids go to his room and kobe later comes in mine and sits down at the foot of my bed

Kobe: can i ask you something
Y: of course
Kobe: would you consider taking dejuane back
Y: as of right now not really why tho
Kobe: if i were to tell you i still liked you how would you respond
Y: i'd be shocked but i don't know
Kobe: would you say you liked me back
Y: i guess i like you a little bit to where i wouldn't reject you so i guess
Kobe: ok that was all i needed to know
Y: so are you saying you like me
Kobe: um no i'm just speaking hypothetically
Y: ok what are you about to do
Kobe: go in my room with blessing and kj
Y: tell lexi to watch them then come and watch movies with me
Kobe: um yea sure that's cool
Y: and while you're at it stop acting weird like you just met me
Kobe: sorry
Y: mhmm

kobe went and asked lexi and once he came back in my room he shyly laid next to me like a weirdo so i go and lay my head on his lap while just talking to him about some random stuff then dejuane comes in and asks to talk to me so i tell kobe i'll be right back and i get up stepping out the room with dejuane

Y: what's up
Dejuane: the kids want you to say goodnight
Y: oh ok

i walk to the room with dejuane and i sit on the bed talking to the kids and telling them goodnight and how much i love them while dejuane stands behind me with one hand on my shoulder then once the kids are about to go to sleep i grab dejuanes remote and put on a movie for them and dejuane playfully snatches it out of my hand so i playfully slap his head and he laughs then shoots me a bird and pushes me out the room then closing the door i laugh then walk back to my room but once i go in there i see kobe half sleep so i just gently lay on him and scroll through my socials and i posted him sleeping on my snapchat then i turned on music and got up changing into something more comfortable than jeans and a hoodie then i go back on kobe and i fell asleep also

umm let me get back to my regular posting schedule 🏃🏾‍♀️💨

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