part 158

484 17 4

i woke up in the middle of the night walking downstairs and grabbing some fruit and sitting on the counter swinging my feet back and forth then later someone taps my shoulder and i turn around seeing mattia looking at me

Y: what bitch
Mattia: why are you up
Y: because i got hungry
Mattia: so you get up this late
Y: technically it's early since it's am
Mattia: bitch either way whatever you wanna say you shouldn't be up right now
Y: why are you up
Mattia: i couldn't sleep
Y: so how come you coming for me because i could've just not been able to sleep
Mattia: because all you do is sleep bitch so it's easy for you
Y: not too much on me mattia
Mattia: chile anyways what we doing tomorrow
Y: i'm going to go buy another plate
Mattia: and after that
Y: i don't really depends on what mood i'm in
Mattia: if you wanted to be a lazy bitch and sleep all day then just say that
Y: bitch i didn't even plan on sleeping all day
Mattia: it's the lying for me
Y: i'll leave you up by yourself
Mattia: and it's not like i wasn't at first
Y: fuck off

i flick mattia off then i hop off the counter and put my fruit back in the refrigerator and head back upstairs getting back in bed with kobe and the kids and as i close my eyes kobe rubs on my head while talking to me in his raspy sleep voice

Kobe: where'd you go
Y: downstairs to get some fruit
Kobe: i would've liked some
Y: well you weren't up
Kobe: fair point
Y: go to sleep before you go to sleep in the middle of the conversation
Kobe: i'll go to sleep when you do
Y: alright well goodnight
Kobe: goodnight i love you
Y: i love you too

3rd person pov:
while y/n and kobe drift off to sleep across town dejuane is wide awake calling y/n over and over but not getting an answer so he sits up in bed and just thinks until ansley comes in the room to "distract" him and after they finished he sat up while ansley was sleep and he looked at his phone waiting for a call back that he never got so upset he powered his phone off and went to sleep and as hours and hours pass back across town y/n and kobe wake up with the kids getting ready for the day and walking downstairs eating breakfast and sitting on the couch watching movies and laying around with the others when all the calls and messages dejuane sent to y/n started coming through and her phone was constantly going off so she ignores them until she gets a new call so she answers and walks outside now pissed off

Y: bro what the fuck do you want you're blowing up my phone like i really don't have time for this shit
Dejuane: just wanted to say i miss you
Y: ok and i don't care stop calling me like this before i block you the shit is getting annoying now
Dejuane: so you don't miss me
Y: no the answer is fucking no and i've been trying to tell you that for the fucking longest but for some reason you won't get that through your head
Dejuane: i never meant to hurt you y/n and i lied i don't regret anything with you
Dejuane: stop what
Y: all the bipolar and toxic shit one day you don't give two fucks about me and the next you miss me and love me and you only miss me when you see me moving on and happy so why can't you just let me stay happy and leave me alone
Dejuane: because i want you for myself
Y: and it doesn't work like that and it never will i'm not davine and i'm not ansley i won't drop to your feet every time you want me so just leave me alone
Dejuane: can you at least come over
Y: fuck no now leave me alone

y/n hangs up and walks back in the house sitting down shaking her leg up and down so kobe puts his hand on her leg trying to get her to stop but she moves it and continues

Kobe: what's wrong with you
Y: dejuane is what's wrong
Kobe: what he do now
Y: it's like i'm happy with you and he hates to see that so he always tries to get back with me by saying shit that used to work but i'm done with it i'm finally happy and i'm not about to let dejuane or anyone else change that
Kobe: you're happy right??
Y: of course i am more than i've been in a while
Kobe: then don't let one person ruin all that
Y: but how
Kobe: ok say we broke up what would you do
Y: cry and be toxic until you took me back
Kobe: um chile wrong answer
Y: but it's what i would do so it's the right answer ass
Kobe: no the right answer is don't let me ruin your happiness
Y: um ok i guess i wouldn't let you break up with me though
Kobe: yea because you're a fucking psychopath
Y: not too much on me
Kobe: yes too much on you
Y: ok go off i guess
Kairi: good morning
Y: morning kai
Kairi: what we doing today
Y: nun that i know of
Kairi: y'all are boring let's go play hockey
Kobe: sounds fun
Y: sure i guess
Kairi: why are y'all up so early though
Y: we went to sleep pretty early last night
Kairi: oh ok well i'm about to make me and gabby breakfast so do y'all want any
Y: wait i ship it
Kairi: as of right now she's just my friend
Kobe: but do you like her
Kairi: of course but i don't want to rush anything
Kobe: ok ok well you make her breakfast
Kairi: alright

while kairi made him and gabby breakfast y/n and kobe stayed on the couch watching movies with the kids until later everyone woke up and went in the kitchen finding or making things to eat and after that they all went into the living room discussing the plans

sorry i was really busy but i'm back now 😁

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