part 43

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it's been 2 months me and dejuane are great this time there's no catch to it but today is officially CHRISTMAS EVE BITCH 🥴 i have a huge and relaxing 👀 day planned for me and dejuane but also Azlynn but before all that i got Azlynn ready then took her to the mall with me to find dejuane a gift but i brought kairi along so he can help me from a guys view point on what to buy so we go into gucci because aint no cheap gifts over here, then i sit down for a second and kiss Azlynn and kairi takes a picture so i make him send it to me and posted it

it's been 2 months me and dejuane are great this time there's no catch to it but today is officially CHRISTMAS EVE BITCH 🥴 i have a huge and relaxing 👀 day planned for me and dejuane but also Azlynn but before all that i got Azlynn ready then to...

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y/ HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE from me and Azlynn since her daddy wouldn't wake his ass up ❤️
liked by kbreezo and 2000000 others
dejuane.mccoy: she didn't let me go but i love my girls 🥺
y/ we love you too 🥺❤️^^^
kairicosentino: photo creds
y/ no^^
kbreezo: aww look at my baby
y/ boy bye both of us our dejuanes ^^
dejuane.mccoy: yessir ❤️^^
*load 70000 more comments*

i pick Azlynn up and we continue walking around then i find the perfect stuff for dejuane without kairis help then kairi took Azlynn and i bought her some gifts then i went to zoomies and went to the back of the store (ifykyk) and bought a few things then i walked out to go find kairi, once i got up to them we walked back to the car and buckled Azlynn in her car seat then once i got home i locked myself in the room and wrapped the gifts then hid them once i was done i unlocked to door and walked out and sat on dejuanes lap facing him

De: what's up??
Y: i got a big surprise for tomorrow
De: fr and what is that
he says grabbing my butt
Y: guess you'll have to wait and find out
i say kissing him then gathering all the girls in the room to talk about a surprise we can do for all the boys, once it was time we got dressed then walked into the living room and sat the boys that were dating someone in a chair then ofc the girls that were dating them stood in front of them so ofc i stood in of dejuane, cherry in front of artis, ansley in front of mike, then the rest of the group just sitting down waiting to see what's about to happen then the music cuts on and the boys jaws drop

^^ is the video just pick whoever you think did the best 

once we finish i go sit in dejuanes lap smiling hard ash then dejuane grabbed my butt
Ma: well now i see how y/n got pregnant
Y: HAHAHA shut up mattia i'm not about to play with you
De: i'm about to play with you
Y: boy shut up
i get up and go to Azlynns room and and check to make sure she's still sleep then once i see she is i go back into the living room and sit back on dejuane

Kai: so what are we doing tomorrow
Art: me, mike and dejuane know what we doing tomorrow
Ma: y'all are nasty
dejuane, artis and mike start laughing then we discuss actual plans and we decide to go sledding then watch a drive in movie, which sounded really fun and it could be a really fun first christmas for Azlynn, we continue talking about everything that we want to do tomorrow than who we bought gifts for
Y: um i only bought gifts for dejuane and Azlynn
Art: i only got gifts for cherry
K: so what about us single people
Y: y'all better spoil yourselves
we all start laughing
Kai: this isn't fair
K: fr
Y: well kobe you would've been fine if your girl wasn't a fucking hoe and please and don't ask who i'm taking to because i'm talking to you
K: well damn
D: it's ok my girl was a hoe also
D: no offense but your man a hoe too
Y: and is
De: whatever
Y: i'm joking i'm joking
i say laughing hard ash
De: keep laughing i'm gonna get up
Y: 😐
K: you really stopped LMAO
Y: shut up you lonely bitch
K: well damn that lowkey hurted me tho
C: as it should
Y: kobe i'll marry you if you do a backflip
K: aight bet
kobe gets up and i knew he wouldn't land it so i wasn't worried then he went into and landed it
K: she mine now sorry dejuane
Y: no i was joking
K: nah too late come here with
De: nah
dejuane picks me up and starts running while kobe chases us then dejuane falls on his back and i fall on top of him then kobe fell on top of me so i push kobe off of me
Y: this ain't no damn threesome
i say laughing
K: it could be
Y: kobe sit your light skin ass down somewhere
K: your boyfriend light skin
Y: oop true true
De: you in my business dont so that
Ma: y'all are dumb, i'm going home see y'all tomorrow
mattia and kairi leave then everyone goes to their rooms and when me and dejuane go to our room we 👀 then after we start talking

Y: yk a question i had a for a long time is when will i meet your parents
De: idk they weren't around a lot for me
Y: oh sorry for asking
De: no it's fine you didn't know
Y: well i'm going to sleep
De: i know you are
Y: boy bye

then i fall asleep along with dejuane excited for tomorrow

can christmas just hurry up 😖 and sorry for the short chapter i wasn't really paying attention and got hungry half way thru so i went and ate but yea i'll make another chapter in a few minutes

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