Dylan - Hospital

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This chapter is for heyitsvicki because her book has inspired me to write this book and I am doing a Dylan chapter because I have noticed that she is putting her names into her Dylan chapters. So this chapter is for her and finally, this is a long chapter. I have warned you.


Vicki's POV:

Dylan and I have been together for over a year now and I have been living with him for 2 months now. I really love Dylan but I have noticed recently that he has been coughing recently and has been feeling hot a lot more recently even when we don't have the heating up and it is winter but I decided to leave it but I had to do something now because I keep waking up in the middle of the night with him dripping in sweat. I decided to talk to him about it as when I wake up in the morning I am always tired and grumpy as I don't get a lot of sleep and I need at least 6-7 hours of sleep so I can function without being grumpy.

When we woke up I sat up so that I could talk to Dylan. "Bubba. Are you alright? I keep waking up in the middle of the night because you are dripping in sweat."

"I don't know baby. I might be coming down with something."

"Can we go and get you to take a covid test because it might be covid."

"Yeah we can but we need to get dressed first and also I want to let my mind rest knowing what is wrong with you." So we both get up, get dressed and then get into the car to drive down to the testing place. When we get into the car I am on the driver's side as Dylan isn't well enough to drive.

When we get to the testing place Dylan got his covid test done and I put my name down as his emergency contact if they can't reach him. We both went home to wait for the results. So while we wait I decided to run a cold bath for Dylan to try and get his temperature down. I managed to get his temperature from 40° C to 39° C which slightly improved but it isn't down at the right temperature. I then decided to get him some paracetamol and let him go to bed and fall asleep.

---The next day---

Dylan state hasn't improved since I went to bed last night. I couldn't get into bed with him last night as I wanted to get sleep so I brought my pillows and a blanket with me and slept on the sofa. In the middle of the night, I got a call from the testing place to tell me that Dylan has tested positive for Covid and that we have to self isolate until his symptoms go away but if his state gets worse that he has to go into hospital. When I woke up the second time I got onto Dylan's phone to give his workmates a call to tell him that they can't come round as Dylan has tested positive for Covid and that I will keep them updated on his state and tell them if Dylan has to go into hospital or not. I let Dylan sleep for a little bit longer and made myself food to eat and some for him but then I hear Dylan coughing a lot so I get the thermometer to check his temperature which has gone up to 41° C which concerned me and the fact that he is still coughing is as well. I decided to get him dressed so I could bring him down to the car. I was starting to get worried as I don't think that he is alright because he has Covid. When I get him to the car I buckle him into his seat, get in the car myself and then drive to the hospital. I put on our masks when we get there and then take him through A&E. I get to bring him in straight away because it is dangerous for him t be in there with all of these people and then we get him into a room where he can lie down on the bed. I get him changed into a hospital gown so that it is easier for the doctors to get blood and stuff so then I sit in the chair next to the bed. I am panicking because I don't know if he is going to die or not. I decided to give Hoppo a call as he gives the best advice when I am panicking. "Hoppo. I'm scared. I had to bring Dylan to the hospital as his temperature is in the temperature range of heat exhaustion. I don't know what to do. I'm panicking and don't want to go home because it will feel lonely without him. None of you can come as I am meant to be isolating." I start bursting into tears and cannot say anything else as I am pouring my eyes out and I am hiccuping. I hear Hoppo telling me to breath in and out with him which I do which slows my breathing down and I am not hiccuping anymore. Hoppo manages to calm me down but that was all I remember last as I end up falling asleep.

---Time skip to over week later---

Dylan has gotten significantly better while he was in the hospital. I was forced to go home because I couldn't be in Dylan's room and they also needed me to isolate. It was the day that I could go and pick Dylan up as he is now Covid free as he doesn't have it anymore. Whilst he was in the hospital I did my 10 days of isolation so I was fine so when I went to the hospital I was glad to see Dylan as I couldn't go and see him for 10 days and I was lonely. I was so glad that I could go out as I was going insane because I didn't have anyone in the house with me. I was also glad that I had someone to cuddle with in bed and I also got nights to rest so I am not tired anymore. But I just missed Dylan all together.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Hope you have enjoyed reading it. Have a great new years eve tomorrow. I am updating tomorrow and new years day and itis going to be in two parts so look forward to that.


Nicci 💙

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