Harries - Picnic

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Y/N's POV:

My boyfriend, Harries and I have decided that we would have a picnic on the beach today as it was a nice day today and he knows a place on the beach that is really secluded that no one else knows about. He found the area a few weeks ago but he hasn't had time to take me there as he has had to work all day but he has finally got a day off and it was on a nice and sunny day so he to take me out on a picnic.

We both got up at 7.30 and then I got ready while Harries made the picnic up. We both managed to get ready and leave the house at around 10.30.

While we were walking we were both talking about work and how it was and we were also just talking about other things. I really love him as we have been together for nearly a year now.

We got to the area an hour later and when we walked onto the sand I saw that there wasn't anyone there which shows that no one else knows about it. Harries then puts the picnic blanket on the sand and then we both sit down on it. He then takes the bag off his back and then opens it up. I see the food that he put inside of it. He didn't' let me see what he was packing this morning so that it would be a surprise.

When he took the food out of the bag I saw that there were chocolate-covered strawberries, cheese and crackers, water, doughnuts, sandwiches and many other things. I was lucky that he knew me really well as he packed the foods that I really love.

We then sat there eating the food and we also fed each other some of it as well.

We both had fun feeding each other and then we spent time playing in the water and Harries dumped me into the water at one point which was not fun.

We also spent time talking about our relationship and if we want to take it further as we have nearly been dating for a year and we normally stay at each other houses most of the time rather than our own houses. So we have talked about moving in together.

We both really love each other and even though that we have had a few fights here and there we know that our relationship is going to last a long time.

It was around 4.30 pm when we decided that we would pack up to go back home as it was starting to get cold and very winds.

When we got home an hour later we unpacked the bag and then we decided that we weren't hungry so we cuddled up on the sofa while watching supernatural.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I have started my second week of exams so I only have 5 weeks left and that does include this week as well. I also have my sixth form interview next week so I am going to be prepping for that as well as revising for my exams so the chapters might not come out every day but they might. The picture of what the area looks like is up top. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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