Harries - Unknown Sister (pt.3)

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Rose's POV:

I woke up the next morning and I had a wave of nervousness wash over me. It might be because I was going to tell Harries that I was his sister. I didn't know if he was going to accept me as his sister but I am going to tell him either way.

I checked the time ad saw it was 5 am and I then got up out of my bed because I had to get to work at 6.30. I got out of bed and then had a shower, got dressed into my uniform and then went into the kitchen to get some breakfast. I grabbed a granola bar from the cupboard and then orange juice from the fridge and frozen fruit from the freezer. I then put around 10g of strawberries, bananas, pineapples and mango in the blender and I then put in some juice. I then mixed it once I put the lid on and around 3 minutes later my smoothie was ready. I then put it in my portable cup with a lid on it and then checked the time. I saw it was around 6.10 am so I grabbed my bags and then my smoothie and granola bar and then headed to work.

I got to work around 15 minutes later and I then tried opening the back door but I couldn't because it was locked. I should have known it was locked because I was 5 minutes early and I wouldn't think they would come until bang on half-past. I then waited there for 5 minutes and then I saw someone walking up to the tower. I saw that it was Harries when he got closer and when he got here I said nothing because I was beginning to get nervous again.

It was silent in the tower for around 5 minutes while we got the inside sorted out but then Harries broke the silence by asking "What's up with you? You seem nervous."

"Yeah, I am. I talked with my mum last night and she told me that I was adopted."

"What you're adopted! Did she tell you anything else?"

"Yeah, she did. Shetoldmethatmyparentsdidn'twantmebecausetheyonlywantedboysastheycancarryonthefamilyname. Also,you'remybrotherandtheyonlywantedmetokeepmylastnameasCarrollbecasuethatistheonlythingIhavefrommybirthparents." I blurted out.

"Wow, wow, wow. Slow down. Tell me what you said again but say it slower."

"She told me that my parents didn't want me because they only wanted boys as they can carry on the family name. Also, you're my brother and my adoptive parents only wanted me to keep my last name as Carroll because that is the only thing I have from my birth parents."

"Wait. You're my sister?"

"Yes. I thought that I explained that already."

"Yes, you did. I just had to double-check. So that is the reason why I have never had a sister before. Also, I am glad that you are my sister. When I met you yesterday I knew that we were going to have a brother and sister relationship." I then hugged him because he accepts me as his sister.

The other boys then arrive after us being there for 10 minutes and they then go set up the beach while we finish setting the tower. We then talk about our family while we finish setting up the tower.

For the rest of the day, Harries and I are on duty together again in the tower and while we were watching the beach.


Thanks for reading this chapter. So, Harries now knows that Rose is his sister. I was watching teen wolf while I was writing this chapter. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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