Hoppo - Tics (pt.2)

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A/N - I have researched this so I know the basics of this condition and I know someone with tics so I am not trying to offend anyone else out there who has tics or Tourette's syndrome.



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Violet's POV:

It's been a week since I have seen Hoppo and since I have had that talk with him on the beach but things have gotten worse because more people have been making fun of me. I was able to handle it at the start of the week but then it started getting worse throughout the week and by the end of the week I had a breakdown as I couldn't take it anymore so I decided that I would go and see Hoppo again but I would go tomorrow as it was nearly 9 pm.

The next morning I woke up at around 8.30 am and got ready to see Hoppo. I got out of the house at 9 am and I got to the tower at 9.15 am as I only live 15 minutes away from the beach and I knock onto the outside door and someone answers the door and they ask "what do you need?"

"Um... I need to speak to Hoppo, please" I say.

"Why do you need to speak to him. He is busy right now." the man says.

"Please let me see him. Tell him Violet needs to speak to him," I say. He radios to Hoppo and he tells them to send me over to his office. The man points me in the right direction and I walk over to his office. When I walk into the room he pulls me into a hug as he could tell that I was sad when I knocked on the door as I knocked slowly. As he pulls me into I start to break down and cry. He pulls me down so that we sit down on the floor so that he could comfort me while I cried. Once I had calmed down we started to talk about why I was upset which I explained was because of people saying things to me which had upset me and that it had gotten so bad that I had a breakdown yesterday. We sat there for an hour just talking about random things and how our life is. Luckily none of the other boys came to ask Hoppo something or needs something from him. I have really gotten to know him within the hour of us talking. We both stayed in there until noon and then we both went out for lunch as we were both hungry but he also kept insisting that he paid for my food which I didn't want him to but I eventually let him pay for me.

Hoppo's POV:

I have spent the say with Violet today and I can now say that we both know each other very well. I really like her because she is funny and she is kind and beautiful, but it is too fast as I only met her last week. I don't want to tell her because she might think that I don't and I just want to make her look like a fool so I have decided not to tell her.

--- A month later ---

Tonight is the night that I am going to tell her how I feel. We have been meeting up once or twice a week every week so we could see each other but every time I see her my feelings grow more and more so I don't know how she is going to feel when I tell her. She gets to my house at around 7.30 pm so that we can have dinner and we do but after dinner, we sit down on the sofa and she lies her head down on my lap. I started to stroke her hair to calm her down as her tics were really bad. She kept hitting herself or the sofa. I didn't like to see her in pain. I decided to come out with it as I might not get the opportunity to say it again. "Um... Violet, I have something to tell you. I love you and I have since we first met just over a month ago. I didn't want to tell you as I didn't know how you felt towards me but I just wanted to say it so that I wasn't going to say it out in public. I don't know how you feel towa..." I am cut off by her lips contacting mine. I am surprised that she did that. When we pull away she says "I love you too Hoppo." We spend the night cuddling with her ticing but I didn't mind as they made her who she is today.


Thank you to MegKB47 for suggesting for me to do another part to the previous chapter I thought that it was a good idea so thank you for suggesting it to me. Also, I am trying to get a chapter out every day till new years.

 Also, I am trying to get a chapter out every day till new years

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