All Lifeguards - Truth or Dare

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Aria's POV:

The boys and I were all hanging out in my house tonight and I decided that I wanted to play a game of truth or dare so that we can know our deepest darkest secrets. I also wanted to play it so that we could wind down from work. I decided to say "Hey. Mates. I want to play a game of truth or dare so find a seat and get comfortable." They all found a seat and I then asked "Ok, who wants to start?"

Maxi puts his hand up and then said "Yeah, I'll start. Ok. Let's start easy. Jethro. Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Jethro said.

"Ok. I dare you to talk in a British accent until your next turn," Maxi said.

I knew that Jethro's British accent was terrible so when he then starts talking in a British accent all of us burst out in laughter. "Ok. Aria, truth or dare?"

"Truth," I say.

"Ok. What is your favourite number?" Jethro asked.

" favourite number is 592619395686799," I said.

"Question. Why is that your favourite number?" Jesse asked.

"It spells Bucky Barnes if you use the periodic table." They all looked shocked about that so I decided to continue so I said "Nicola. Truth or dare?"

"Dare," she said.

"I dare you to...hand over your phone to any other player and let them send a text saying anything they want to anyone they want." I saw that Nicola was scared but she decided to hand her phone over to Chappo. I could see the look on her face when she got her phone back. She looked horrified.

"Ok. Chappo. Truth or dare?" Nicola asked.

"I see the look on your face and it looks like if I pick either, it is going to be bad either way but if I had to choose I would choose dare," Chappo said.

"Ok. Chappo, I dare you to let Aria, Jules, and I put makeup on your face and you are not allowed to look at it until the end of the game. The three of us can do whatever we like and add things on throughout the game." Chappo had a face of horror but agreed to it. Aria, Jules and I then do his makeup and after we finished all of the boys started to laugh.

We continued the rest of the game and sometimes it got personal and sometimes but we all still had fun. Most of the boys went for dare but a few went for truth and then it swapped around after we all had a go. It was a really fun way to wind down from work and a good way to have fun with your friends.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I had fun writing this chapter today as I have been planning this chapter since 10 am this morning. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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