Beardy - Presents

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Y/N's POV:

I decided to do some DIY today as I had a day off today and it was a weekend. I wanted to make a few things for my fiancé Beardy as I don't give him gifts a lot and I didn't tell him that I love him as often as I should do so I wanted to make him some things to show how much I love him.

Once Beardy left to go to work at 8.30 I was already awake so I got all of the stuff out of my bedside table as I managed to fit it all in there. I sat down on the quilt on our bed and I then put everything down in front of me. I decided to start with the book so I got my coloured pens and I started to write on the pages to tell him how much I love him.

Around an hour later I finished decorating the pages and the front of the book so I decided to get the jar and start on that one. I had to get my guillotine from the wardrobe so I could cut the pieces of paper into equal lengths so I could fold them up into equal pieces so I could put them all in. When I wrote on the yellow pieces of paper I put quotes or lyrics that I describe our love for each other. On the blue pieces of paper, I put memories of stuff we did together. On the pink pieces of paper, I put reasons I love him. On the white pieces of paper, I put random stuff about him down and finally on the green pieces of paper, I put down things that we need to do together.

I managed to do all of it in around 4 hours because the final one took so long as I had to decorate the jar after I finished with the pieces of paper. I then put all of the scrap pieces of paper in the recycling bin and I then wrapped up the presents in wrapping paper so Beardy could open them when he got home.

---Time Skip---

It was now 7.30 pm and Beardy should be home any minute now as he texted me around 10 minutes ago that he was on his way home. I decided to set the presents down on the kitchen counter so he would see them when he walked into the house. I was really excited to see what his reaction is as I want him to love them as I spent ages making them.

Beardy's POV:

I just walked into my house and when I did I saw two presents on the kitchen table but I didn't know who they were from as I couldn't see Y/N anywhere. Just as I thought that Y/N Came up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist and then she pecked me on the cheek. She then pointed at the presents and said "I see that you have noticed them. You can open them." I then walk up to the presents and start unwrapping them. Y/N hopped up on the counter while I was unwrapping the first one and when I opened both of them I had a proper look at them and saw that the book was labelled 'The alphabet of our love' so I flicked through that book and saw that with every letter that was written down she put a reason of our love. The jar had lots of different coloured paper on the front and it was labelled with what each colour meant. I then decided to open up the jar and I picked up a pink piece of paper and I saw what was written on the inside of it.

I then looked up and Y/N and I said "Why did you make these?"

"I realised that I haven't been saying 'I love you,' as much as I should have so I decided to make you these to show you how much I love you."

"Well, I love the presents baby and I also love you too."

"I love you as well." We then decide to cuddle on the sofa for the rest of the night until we had to go to bed.

(Pictures of what she made for him.)

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Thanks for reading this chapter. It's Easter tomorrow. I am really excited about it as I have 11 chocolate eggs to eat. I am writing the request chapter that someone wanted me to write so that will be coming out within the next week. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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