Dylan - Glasses (pt.2)

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Y/N's POV:

"They don't look that bad." I could tell that he was lying by how he was speaking but I didn't say anything else as I didn't want to say anything else.

I decided to get on with the rest of the day as I didn't want anyone else to talk to me about my glasses. It was around lunchtime when someone else said something to me and it was Jethro who said something.

Jethro sarcastically said "Hey, Y/N. Where did you get the glasses? Horribleglasses.com."

I was just about to say something but Dylan then said "Hey. Mate. Leave her alone. She didn't have a choice to wear them alright. Do you think that she would be wearing them if she didn't have to?"

"Dylan you don't have to stick up for me. I can do it myself," I say.

"I know but I just had to say something as I didn't want them to say anything else about your glasses."

"That's really nice, Dylan. Thanks for sticking up for me." Dylan and I then spend the rest of the day talking to each other but I had to remove my glasses a few times because my glasses were steaming up.

(Picture of glasses 👇🏻)


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Thanks for reading this chapter. I am cutting this chapter close to midnight where I live and I just can't believe that I have forgotten to write today's chapter. The italics at the start is the last two paragraphs of the last part. I had fun playing golf today with my sister but she beat me by 1 point. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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