Singlets - Volunteer Lifeguard (pt1.)

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Zoe's POV:

It's my first day as a volunteer lifeguard today and I am so excited as I get to be on the beach with the Bondi lifeguards. It is my dream for me to be a lifeguard and this is the closest that I can get to as I don't have the qualifications to become one yet so this is the closest I can get to be one and hopefully once I have been doing it for over a year I can get the qualification to be one.

I used to be a volunteer lifeguard while I lived in England but I moved to become one down on this beach. I am also a part-time paramedic so that I have a job that pays for my bills and so that I can spend more time at the beach and so that I can get closer to getting the qualification that I want. I am not only working here because I am a fan of the show. It is because it is a really good place to train to get the qualification.

I wake up at around 5 am so that I can go for a run along the beach and by the time that I get there it is 5.15 am and the lifeguards are setting the beach up for later. I run past them while they are setting up and I get to know where everything is and when I finish running at 5.30 am I just sit down on the sand to watch the sunrise. I eventually get up to go home to get ready for work down here.


Singlet's POV:

I am one of the people setting up the beach today. I don't like doing it but I also do like doing it as I get to see the sunrise. As I am setting up the beach I see someone running down the beach. You never see people running on the beach so it is a good experience for me to see her running along the beach. I finish setting up the beach but don't see her so I think that she went home to get ready for work. I was kinda upset though because I didn't get to talk to her. Hopefully, she comes down later so I get to talk to her.


Zoe's POV:

I get home at around 6 am and then get ready for work. I have to be down at the beach for 7.45 am so that I am there before the crowd gets there. I get into the uniform that I have to wear and style my hear into two dutch braids so that my hair won't get in my way while I am rescuing people. I get down at the beach at 7.45 and go to the tent where we are stationed. I get there 15 minutes before the rush of people come down onto the beach so I can put my stuff away. I decide to take a walk down the beach seeing as it wasn't busy but when I get down to north Bondi I see someone in trouble but I don't see any lifeguard near so I do what any other lifeguard would do. I went to rescue the man but I didn't have a board with me I only had the lifebuoy with me so I saved him with that and managed to get in and out within 2 minutes. It took me twenty seconds to reach him but then it took longer for him to let me rescue him and get him back in so by the time I got him back in I had to do back down to the tent where we are meant to be stationed.


Singlet's POV:

I am station in the tower today and all of the boys went down to do their jobs at around 7.30 am and they all either went down to the middle of the beach or down south end. I was looking through the binoculars and saw a head bopping up and down in the water with their arm up. I radioed down to the boys that someone is needed down at North Bondi as someone is in trouble. Corey radioed back up to me telling me that he was on his way down but then I see someone sunning out into the surf and getting to the man and helping him back to the shore so I radioed to Corey "Hey Corey. Um... you don't have to go down there any more as  someone saved him but I don't know who it was"

"Wait. What. Are you sure that it isn't a volunteer lifeguard but I don't know how it is as they aren't meant to start till 11 am?" He replied.

"Can I go down and ask them? But you will have to come up here if I do because nobody is here with me." I ask/say.

"Yeah sure. On my way" He says. When Corey gets here I take the Buggy to the volunteer lifeguard tent. I see someone in there sat down looking at the sea. "Hey. I saw the save you did down at North Bondi. That was pretty risky without aboard as it is pretty choppy down that end today but I am impressed"

"Thanks for that. Your Singlets aren't you? I'm Zoe"

"Yeah, I am. How did you know? Also, nice to meet you, Zoe."

"I'm a huge fan of Bondi rescue. I know all of your names but don't worry I am also here to work at the beach and for another job. I am not just a creep who decides to put on this uniform just for fun and pretend to be someone I'm not."

"Ok cool. So what is your other job?"

"Oh. I'm a part-time paramedic. I am only part-time as I am using my free time to be here and earn my lifeguard qualification. I am nearly done with it and then I can get it and apply for a job." We end up talking for 15 to 20 minutes before he is called back to do his actual job but what neither of them knew was that Hoppo saw the save and listened into the first part of the conversation.


So should I do a part 2 and 3 to this book or not. I need to know if I should continue this chapter. If I do should I do:

1) part 2 in Hoppo's POV and part 3 where the boys find out that they have a new team member.


2) part 2 a few weeks later where Hoppo gives her the qualification and a job if she wants it and then part 3 she tells Singlets the news and then they become girlfriend and boyfriend


3) Your ideas on what I should do with this (but if you want this one then you have to give me ideas because I haven't got any ideas).

Merry Christmas everyone and please remember to stay safe and wear your mask.

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