Bisho - Sick

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Y/N's POV:

I was sleeping with Bisho today as he was staying the night when I suddenly woke up covered in sweat. I thought that it was because it is hot in the house, but I looked to my right and saw that Bisho wasn't sweating but I shook it off and fell back asleep.

I then suddenly woke up the next morning with a feeling like I was going to throw up. I ran to my bathroom and I managed to get to the toilet before I actually threw up. I was throwing up for around 2 minutes before Bisho walked in and held my hair back, so I don't get it in my hair. I finished being sick around 3 minutes later and I then sat down on the bathroom floor and rested my head on the wall. I realised that Bisho left the room, but I was too weak to move so I just sat there.

A few minutes later, Bisho walks back into the bathroom and hands me a glass of water for me to rinse my mouth out with. Once I finish rinsing my mouth out, Bisho helps me up and then he walks me back into the bedroom and lies me back down in the bed. He then leaves the room again and then comes back with the thermometer. He then turns it on and puts it in my ear. He then pulls it out and gives me a concerned look. He then says "Baby, you're sick."

"How? I haven't been with anyone who has been sick."

"I don't know but if you want, I can stay home today to look after you."

"Please. I want you to stay at home."

"Okay. I'll call Hoppo and tell him that I have to stay home to look after you." He then gets on his phone and calls Hoppo. He leaves the room so that I don't have to hear the conversation and he then enters the room 5 minutes later and says "All sorted. I've got someone else to do my shift today so now I can look after you all day."

"Thank you. I love you so much."

"I love you too, baby." He then goes and fills up a bottle with water so that I can have a drink throughout the day and so I don't have to get out of bed.

I then spent the rest of the day in bed either sleeping or drinking water. Bisho had come in once in a while to check on me and two or three times to give me some paracetamol and ibuprofen so that it can try and bring my temperature down and so that I can get better. He has also checked my temperature a few more times to see if it has gone down and he has told me that it has but it keeps going back up slightly. I have started to feel a little bit better but not completely as I still didn't feel like getting out of bed as it still hurt to move.

---3 days later---

I have been sick for a few days and I am now feeling a lot better as I could get out of bed and move around. I also haven't been sick, and my temperature is now back down. Bisho has gone back to work as he knows that I am better.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I like the fact that I am getting better at writing these chapters. Hope you have enjoyed reading this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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