Kobi - Meeting (pt.2)

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Y/N's POV:

I liked to sit in the tower so that I could talk to the lifeguards while they are on duty and I realised that Kobi was on duty in there while we were handing the coffee out so when we got back to the tower, he sat back down in the chair and then I realised that he is the only one that doesn't have a coffee so I decided to be nice and ask him what coffee he likes. He tells me what he likes and I said that I would be back in around 10 minutes. I then walk out of the tower to get Kobi's coffee.

Around 10 minutes later I return with Kobi's coffee and when I sit down in the chair next to him I turned to him and said, "So, do you want to know anything about me or something so you can get to know me?"

"Alright. Ok. How old are you?" Kobi asks.

"So I am 23 years old."

"Ok. Cool. So, I know that I have only met you but I have to ask. Why did your parents never care about you?"

"Do you want the short story or the long story?"

"Short, if that is ok?"

"Yeah, that's fine. So, when I was 4 my parents became pregnant with my little brother and I already had an older brother so I became the middle child. I started to feel neglected after my little brother was born, I was 5 by then because they only cared about my older and younger brother. So I was forgotten about."

"Wow, that is so much to happen to a 5-year-old."

"Yeah, it is. I'm used to it by now. I found out that they didn't care about me when my first report card came in and when I showed them they didn't even glance at it when they just muttered a well done to me. That was the way I found out that they didn't care about me."

"So have they gotten better through the years?"

"Oh, now they haven't. They just kept forgetting about me even more so that is the reason why I changed my emergency contact details to Hoppo as I think of him as a father figure."

"That's cool." Kobi and I then sit there for the rest of his shift talking and laughing about life and we didn't have a care in the world. I did still allow him to work while we were talking.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry, it has taken me so a few days to make another chapter. I forgot about it but I have just remembered about it. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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