Maxi - Telling the others (pt.2)

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Maxi's POV:

It has been an hour since I have entered Y/N's room after she came out of surgery. She hasn't woken up yet and I was starting to get worried as she was out of surgery 2 hours ago. I have just been sitting here waiting for Y/N to wake up. I haven't told the boys yet as I am waiting for Y/N to wake up and then we can call them and tell them.

Around 15 minutes later, I see Y/N move her head slightly and then she opens her eyes and then she has to close them again because of the light. When I saw her open her eyes, I said to her "Baby, your awake. I was really worried about you." She then raises her arm and puts her had onto my cheek and starts rubbing it with her thumb. She then says "How bad was it? How long have I been out of surgery and how long have you been sitting there?"

"You got shot three times babe. I haven't checked to see how bad it was but I have been sitting here for nearly an hour and 45 minutes."

"Have you told the boys yet?"

"No. I haven't told them yet as I was waiting for you to wake up then we could give them a call and tell them together, but I would rather tell Hoppo first before we tell the rest of them."

"Yeah, that's fine but also what time is it?"

"It's 4.30 pm baby. Let me get the nurse so they can check on you." I then leave the room and around a minute later I return with a nurse and they check on Y/N to make sure that she is fine.

Y/N's POV:

The nurse has just finished checking on me and she said that I could go home in 3 days as they just want to keep me here so that they can keep an eye on your stitches. When Maxi sits back down next to me, I ask him if we could call Hoppo now and he said yes. We ring Hoppo and he picks up on the second ring. We talk to Hoppo for a bit about work then I say over the phone to him "Oh. Also, I won't be at work for 2 or 3 weeks. Just to let you know."

He then responds and says, "Why not?"

"Oh. I um got shot earlier today."

"You got what? You got shot. Are you alright? Have you told the others? Are you still in the hospital?"

"Yes, I am still in the hospital. Yes, I am alright. No, we haven't told the others yet as we wanted to tell you first. If you want to you could tell the boys to go to the hospital after work and then you could bring them into my room."

"Yeah, that is a good idea. What room are you in?" I look at Maxi to answer that one and he tells Hoppo that I am in room 34A. We then hang up 5 minutes later as Hoppo had work to do.

A few hours later it is now 8 pm and the boys should be turning up any minute now. A few minutes later they walk into the room while following Hoppo and when they see me in bed, they move around Hoppo and start asking me questions all at the same time. I got the boys to shut up and I then got them to ask me questions one at a time. I managed to answer all of the questions and by the time that I did finish talking to them it was 9 pm and they had to go home. We both had a good time talking to the boys when they were here as they asked me the questions in 30 minutes and then we sat there talking for another 30 minutes. They told us what happened at work today as it is really funny about what people do at the beach when they don't realise that lifeguards are watching.

It was around 10 pm when the nurse came back into my room. She only came in to check my stitches before she left and before I fell asleep. Maxi decided that he was going to stay with me until I was out of the hospital.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I have had 2 surgeries already in my life. I had one when I was 10 and one when I was 14. I can remember what it was like when I woke up from the surgery and I never did like waking up because the light was always too bright. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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