Mouse - Party

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Y/N's POV:

I was happy as I was with Mouse at a party that one of the boys has organised. They let Mouse bring someone with him as they don't think that he has a girlfriend. But that isn't true because Mouse and I have been dating for 6 months. He gets me to post the pictures of us on my social media account as none of the boys follows me. I was also on call tonight at the hospital so if I get called in then I have to go.

I was dressed in navy skinny jeans and a white top that was tucked into my jeans. When we left, we house to Maxi's apartment I put my pager into my pocket and I also put my keys to my locket in my pocket.

When we go to Maxi's apartment, we both walk inside and then we both get a beer so we could have something to drink. I only could have this one drink because I am on call tonight. Mouse and I stayed together as I didn't know where I was going, and I don't know anyone here. I stayed cuddled close to Mouse's side and I went wherever he went. When we both went to talk to his friends, he introduced me to the boys but didn't tell them that I am his girlfriend. They didn't question why I was so close to him.

We both had fun at the party, and I learnt the names of all of Mouse's friends. We have now been here for 2 hours and it is 9 pm and then my pager went off to tell me that I am needed. I looked up at Mouse and said "I need to go. They need me at work. See you at home. Also, you will need to get someone to drive you home as I need the car."

"Ok. See you at home baby. I'll get Deano to take me as he lives the closest to our apartment." Mouse then kissed me, and I then left the apartment.

Mouse's POV:

As soon as Y/N left the apartment I turned around to face the boys and when I did, they had a shocked look on their faces to show that they were shocked. I decided to say something to break the silence. "What?"

"You kissed her. Who is she?" Joel asked.

"Oh um...I might have forgotten to tell you that she is my girlfriend."

"You what? Since uh when?" Maxi asked.

"6 months ago." I then rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.

"6 months. Man, you have kept that a secret. How have you kept it a secret?" Jesse asked.

"One I haven't talked about it at work and two we post the pictures of our relationship on her social media accounts." We then spent the rest of the evening talking about my relationship and at around 11.30 pm I leave with Deano and he drives me to my house. When I get inside, I try and stay awake for when Y/N gets home as she wasn't home when I got home but I ended up falling asleep.

Y/N's POV:

I got home at around 2.30 am and when I walked inside, I walked straight to our room and I saw Mouse asleep on the bed. I then got dressed into my pj's and then I climbed into bed and cuddled up to Mouse and I then fell asleep. But before I fell asleep, I felt Mouse's arm wrap around me.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you have enjoyed it. I kind of got bored so I decided to write this chapter as it was really fun to write.


Nicci 💙

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