Deano - Wedding (pt.1)

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Amelia's POV:

I have been waiting for this day to come for my entire life and I can't believe that it is finally here. I would have never thought that I would meet the man of my dreams at the beach. I had to be rescued by him as I was stuck in a rip down the south end. I didn't see him again until the next day when I brought cookies and cupcakes to the tower. We spent an hour talking to each other but I realised that I needed to get to work. I gave him my number so we could talk more and then a week after we started texting each other, he asked me out on a date. We started dating after that and then 2 years later he proposed to me out in the water on a rescue board. I said yes and it has been 2 years since then and we have planned this wedding for that long.

As my maid of honour, I have my best friend, Megan, as I have known her the longest and I don't know what I would do if she didn't have to remind me to do things.

I woke up this morning in Deano and my bed without Deano next to me. It felt weird that he wasn't beside me because we normally wake up next to each other. Deano wasn't at my house because he was at his best man's house as it is apparently bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. When I checked the time it was 7.32 am and I then shot out of bed and got into the shower. My wedding was in 7 hours and it took us around 15 minutes to get to the venue.

I got out of the shower 30 minutes later and I then dried my hair and then put on my robe so I wasn't fully naked. It took me around 45 minutes to do that and when I walked into the living room, I checked the time on my phone. I saw that it was 8.50 and I realised that my bridesmaids, maid of honour, hairstylist and make-up artist were going to be arriving any minute now. Just as I put my phone down there was a knock on the door and I then opened it and saw my bridesmaids, maid of honour, hairstylist and make-up artist standing there. I then let them in and the hairstylist and hairdresser set up in my kitchen. I then began to get hungry so I went to my kitchen and then opened the cupboard and got out a breakfast bar and then ate it.

It took us around 5 hours to get all of the makeup and hair sorted out for my maid of honour and bridesmaid. My hair and makeup were done last and you could tell that there was a difference in the bridesmaids and maid of honour because I wanted their hairstyles to be different. My hair and makeup were done last because I wanted a certain hairstyle and I also wanted my makeup to be a certain way as well. As well as doing my hair the hairstylist also had to put a tiara into my head because when I got my wedding dress I got a tiara when I bought my dress.

(Picture of bridesmaids hair and makeup 👇🏻)

(Picture of bridesmaids hair and makeup 👇🏻)

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(Picture of maid of honour hair and makeup 👇🏻)

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(Picture of maid of honour hair and makeup 👇🏻)

(Picture of maid of honour hair and makeup 👇🏻)

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(Picture of brides veil, makeup and hair with tiara 👇🏻)

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(Picture of brides veil, makeup and hair with tiara 👇🏻)

(Picture of brides veil, makeup and hair with tiara 👇🏻)

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Thanks for reading this chapter. I am only doing this chapter in 2 parts because I am struggling to find a wedding dress. After all, there are so many that I like. My friend Meg has given me some chapter ideas to write after I have finished these chapters. Hope you have enjoyed this part.


Nicci 💙

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