Harrison - Paralysed (pt.1)

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Y/N's POV:

I decided to go surfing today down at Bondi because my boyfriend Harrison told me that he was going to be down the south end today. For some reason, I only like to go surfing when my boyfriend is on duty. It might be because I like that he will keep an eye on me while I am out there or it might be because he knows how to keep me safe.

When I got down to the beach I put my stuff down and then got into my wetsuit immediately as I only came down here to surf. Once I put my wetsuit off I grabbed my surfboard and I then paddled out.

When I got out, I checked that there wasn't anyone around me and when I saw that there wasn't anyone there I went and did a few tricks on my board while I was going to shore. I could tell that Harrison was keeping an eye on me as I was out there.

I managed to be safe a few more times but around my 5th time coming back into shore, someone came out of nowhere and hit me in my back with their surfboard. I then fell off my board and I couldn't get back up. I was laying on my back in pain for a bit while I was waiting for someone to get me.

A few minutes later, I could see a blue life board come up to me and I then hear someone say "Y/N are you alright? What happened?"

I immediately knew that it was Harrison so I then said "No. A surfboard hit my back and I now can't feel my legs."

I was scared when I said that and then Harrison said "I've signalled for a spinal board and they will get you on the jet ski to bring you back to shore."

A few minutes later the jet ski comes and they have to attack the spinal board from under the water. They bring me back to shore and then they get me onto the sand. Harrison then kneels next to me and I then start to cry because I am scared. He then wiped my tears away and then asks "Why are you crying?"

"I'm scared. I don't want to become paralysed. I don't want you to break up with me because I might be able to walk," I say to Harrison.

"I love you too much to let you go. I would never break up with you even if you become paralysed," Harrison says. He then kisses me and while the other lifeguards ask me questions I am holding Harrison's hand because I didn't want to let him go.

When the ambulance arrives Harrison radio's Hoppo and asks him if he could go with me and he then allows him to so he hops into the back of the ambulance and then we leave to go to the hospital.


Thanks for reading this chapter. I am going to another part so that it completes it as I don't want you not to find out if Y/N actually is paralysed. I also was reading something while I was writing this chapter so sorry that some of it might not make sense. I was distracted and also I have never surfed before so I don't know what it is like. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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