Nicola - Diabetic

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Malia's POV:

I have type 1 diabetes which is rarer than type 2. I have had to struggle with it all of my life and with all of the relationships that I have had, once my significant other found out that I was diabetic they broke up with me because they couldn't deal with the fact that I was diabetic. I would always be heartbroken because of that. However, I have been in a relationship with my girlfriend Nicola for around 4 months now and she knows that I am diabetic. She said that she would help me in whatever way she can. I really love her and I don't want this relationship to end.

I was down at the beach today because I wanted to get a tan today and I had my insulin pump on my arm. I didn't mind showing it off but it bothered me that people would come up to me and ask about it. I knew that Nicola was on duty today so I wasn't scared that something would happen and she wouldn't know about it.

I had everything with me so I knew that I wouldn't be in trouble. I made sure that I had my insulin and a new pump so that if my pump ran out of insulin I could change the pump and put new insulin in the new pump.

When I got down to the beach, I found a spot next to the lifeguard tower because just in case something did happen then I could go up into the tower and ask for help. I set all of my stuff down and I then lay down on my towel and grabbed a book from my bag. I opened the book from where I left it and I continued to read the book.

It was now around 2 hours later and I have finished the book. I decided that I wanted to go swimming because I was getting bored. I had to take off my insulin pump and put it in my bag because I couldn't swim in it as it couldn't get wet. I knew that I would have to put the new pump on when I got back but I decided to leave sorting it out for later because I really just wanted to go swimming.

I knew that I couldn't go swimming for long so I was only in the water for 45 minutes but before I got halfway up the beach I started to feel lightheaded and then all I could see was black.

Nicola's POV:

I was on duty in the tower today and I knew that Malia was going to be coming to the beach today. I knew that she would have her insulin with her so I wasn't really worried about it.

It was around lunchtime when we had the first problem. I heard Matty Dee say over the radio "Matty Dee to tower."

I picked up the radio and said "Go ahead."

"I need the oxy down here. We're just in front of the tower," Matty said.

I then got up and grabbed the oxy and said "Yeah, I'm on my way." I then ran down to where they were and once I got a closer look I could see Matty crouched over someone who looks like Malia. I then got really worried so I ran faster to them. I was around 20 m away from them and I could tell that the girl was Y/N so when I got to her I checked her arms to see if she had her insulin pump on her and when I saw that she didn't have it on I knew that she went in the water so I said to Matty "I'll be back in a minute. I need to grab something." I then ran over to her bag which I knew was by the tower and I got her insulin pad out of her bag. I also then ran into the tower and grabbed some insulin.

I managed to do that in a minute and I then managed to run back down to them in 20 seconds. I saw that Matty had put the mask on her so that she could get oxygen in her. "Wow, Nicola. I have never seen you move that fast. Why do you have insulin on you? How do you know that she needs insulin?"

I didn't respond because I was fiddling with the insulin pen. I managed to open it and I then injected it into her leg. Once I knew that she had some insulin in her system I looked back up to Matty and said "I have insulin because she needs it. I know that she needs insulin because I know that she is diabetic. I know that she is diabetic because she is my girlfriend." I then take a breath because I was trying to say that really fast.

I decided to feel Malia's pulse and once I knew that it was strong I knew that she would be waking up soon. I then decided to sort out her insulin pad. I put the insulin in the pad and then used the gun-type thing to attach it to her arm.

I then fell back onto the sand because I was really tired from doing all of that. I don't know hold long I was on the floor for but I then heard coughing from in front of me so I sat up and saw Malia opening her eyes and coughing.

I was glad that she woke up because I really loved her. I didn't know what I would do without her so I decided to say to Matty "Let's bring her up to the tower so I can keep an eye on her." I then picked up Malia and brought her into the tower.

I spent the rest of the day going back and forth between the front of the tower and the medical bed. I knew that she was ok now but I was still worried about her.


Thanks for reading this chapter, Thank you to  for suggesting this chapter. I really enjoyed choosing the lifeguard. I had to research diabetes because I knew nothing about it. I chose to do Nicola because she would be the first chapter that I would have done about LGBTQ+. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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