Taco - Sugar

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Cora's POV:

I have been really tired recently because I have been staying up till the early hours of the morning. Taco knows that I have been up early in the morning because I have to tell him when I fall asleep when I come into work the next day. Because I have been falling behind on sleep, I have been falling asleep at work recently but I don't think that any of the boys have noticed other than Taco because I think that he is the only one that pays attention to me.

I walked into the tower today at 7.30 am and I was really tired because over the past week I haven't got a lot of sleep. I then go up to the front of the tower and Taco is sitting there with Chappo. I then decided to say "Hi."

Taco then turns around and says "Hey, Cora." He then gets up out of his seat and walks towards me. When he reaches me he then says "Hey. You don't look alright? How much sleep have you had this week?"

"Around 3 or 4 hours. It is only because I haven't been able to sleep." I only added that part at the end because Taco looked like he was going to say something.

He then looks like he has come up with an idea and he then said "Wait there. I'll get you something to help with the tiredness." He then walks into the kitchen and all I hear is rustling around in there and around a minute later he comes back with a bag of sugar and a spoon. He then hands me the sugar and then says "Here. Eat some of this. You can get more energy from the sugar."

I then take the bag of sugar and the spoon out of his hands and I then begin to eat it. After I had my second spoon full I then say "Thank you. This is already helping."

"You're welcome." I then have a bit more of the sugar out of the bag before I leave the tower to do my job down the north end of the beach.

I was on duty with Maxi and other than Taco he was someone else who cared for me. I spent around 2 hours down the north end before the sugar started to wear off and when it did I knew that I would need some more to keep me awake so I turned to Maxi and asked "Can you hold the base for around 10 minutes? I need to get some more sugar because the last lot I had is wearing off."

"Yeah, sure. I can do that." I then ran back up to the tower and I decided that I would bring the bag of sugar down with me so I grabbed the sugar and a spoon and then I ran back down to the north end.

I spent the rest of the day either sitting in the buggy or eating sugar so I can keep my energy up. I loved that Taco cares about my well-being as I don't know what I would do without him.


Thanks for reading this chapter. If any of you know where the name comes from the I'll be happy because you have gotten my reference to a TV show that I love. Also, starting tomorrow. It is my last week at high school. I get to have over 12 weeks of no school. So for me, it is going to be a 12 week holiday. Hope you have enjoyed this chapter.


Nicci 💙

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